Mindset Daily

How to Avoid Overwhelm, Solve Problems & Trust Yourself with Big Decisions

Brian Aganad

How to Avoid Overwhelm, Solve Problems & Trust Yourself with Big Decisions | Mindset Daily Podcast

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So one of the tricks I learned years ago, like really early on, on how to avoid. Overwhelmed. Whenever you get into a difficult situation or you have problems. Or you just, Jen, you just get stuck, sometimes where you feel like you're in a situation. Or you get yourself in a predicament or something isn't going your way or something's bothering you and it shuts you down. Like you just sit there and it you'll allow it to fester a little bit before it's, before. You do anything like it, it kinda just like sits and sometimes, depending on the problem, it's you start to think to yourself I don't know what to do. So you feel overwhelmed, you get anxious when you don't know how to solve the problem that's in front of you. In fact, I it's very similar to like dirty dishes in the sink. I don't know if you guys have. If you've ever seen like dirty dishes or I get worked up when I see this, when there's a bunch of dirty dishes that are piling up in the sink, I don't like that. That's very similar to. Problems. And then all of a sudden you've got one dish which is manageable and then you've got more dishes and multiple dishes. And then all of a sudden it just gets to be like a mountain. That's like what problems? So we get into this mode where we can't solve anything. And they just build up and then we get anxious and then we just shut down and then we aren't able to solve anything because of course, one problem is already hindering us and then more keep coming. So one of the things that I learned that really helps with this is that, and I call this the. Problem solution reframe, which is train yourself. That whenever you have a problem, when something comes up, no matter what it is, whether it's in life business. Relationships. Anything, anything that you have going on? Learn to reframe the problem as a function of solutions. So the second you feel like you have a problem, even if you don't immediately know what to do. Take some time to write down. Initial thoughts, right? Three, three solutions to the problem. Three initial solutions. To whatever problem is at hand. And if you currently have stuff going on. Stop and do that right now. Take out a notebook or take out something and literally write down three solutions to the problems, to each of the problems. And so that way, what you've got, whenever you look at things that are bothering you, you look at things that are off, you've all, you always have solutions underneath them. Then, what you can do is with those solutions that you have to, the things that are bothering you. Commit to acting on one of them. It doesn't matter if it's the right solution and it may not be the right solution, but that's okay. But commit to actually acting on it. So that way you have, what's called the solution in motion. Which is the solution to the problem. Is now being worked on. And you'll probably find like a lot of the anxiety and a lot of the overwhelm on problems comes from specifically not acting. Which is they're just sitting there and it's easy to forget in the moment that action feels good. Whenever you're working on something. Action. That action that you take feels good. It's very calming. As they say. That the best that the best form. The best way to remove fear is action. Get in the habit of looking at the solutions, looking at the problem as a function of solutions and then act on them right away. And then what you'll find is you get the ball rolling and you get. You get the. The solution in motion, so to speak. And. Over time. What you'll start to see is when you do this. So I always do this with any problems I have. I always will immediately come up with solutions and act. Is you'll start to trust yourself more and you'll start to trust your decision-making. You'll start to, just to trust what to do in those situations and you'll be quicker at it. In fact, one of the blessings I found with having problems is that when you learn to deal with them correctly, Your decision-making gets better. And your decision making gets sharper when you employ this method. This solution-based approach to problems, which is not let yourself sit there. Not let it fester, not let the dirty dishes build up in the sink. But to immediately act, the more you do this and the more you act right away, like the more you cut down the time. Between the problem and acting on the solution to the problem, the better you're going to feel immediately. And the quicker you're going to get to the solution. And the by-product of doing this is that those solutions train. Your appetite to make decisions you get better at making decisions and decision-making. Is one of the major keys to success in life. And most humans. Are afraid naturally to make decisions. We don't want to make them because we're afraid we're going to make the wrong ones. But in this process of going through. You'll actually learn something. So when you get quick at making decisions and you become decisive and acting on things, what you'll find is that making the wrong decision is okay. As long as you're an action, because making the wrong decision will lead to another decision, which. Then we'll become the right solution to the problem. And so you'll overcome. Not just the overwhelm of the situation that you're feeling, but the overwhelm of decision-making. And if you get quicker, At decisions. This is actually how you learn to win back time. So I'm very aware of this. I look at this all tied in as to one big. I as one big. Puzzle that has to be solved, but all one big piece. And this is when you go back and you look at successful people, right? Like you look at. You look at Jeff Bezos's of the world. You look at Yuan Musks of the world. You look at people who have accomplished a lot. The one thing, the one area or the two things I should say that are all the same is number one. We've all started from zero. They started from zero. And they have the same 24 hours. In the day that we have, right. They are where they are. Because of the decisions that they've made. But they're quick at making decisions, right? It's one of the takeaways I've. One of, I think Jeff Bezos, his book, the Amazon way is a great book. I don't want to give it all away, but one of the takeaways and one of the things he says in the book that when I read it the first time always stuck with me, which is. Hire fast fire fast if they don't. Wow. You in the first five minutes. Get rid of them and move on. And that goes to decision-making right. That all just boils down to, I need to make decisions. And I need to make them fast. And when you do it, and by the way, fast does not mean reckless. But it means quick. It's don't hesitate. Be decisive. You actually regained time. So in the essence of problems, the other. What's a good way to put this, the hidden side effective problems. Is the actually Rob you of time on this planet because you sit and you're an overwhelm, your fear. You're worried, you're angry, you're anxious because you aren't solving the problem. And meanwhile, time is like ticking away, right weeks. Can be ticking away when you've got problems. But if you get into that solution mode, You act fast, you're spending your time in a per, in a productive manner. Solving the problem and you weren't just solving the problem at hand you're sharpening. You're sharpening that the ax, so to speak, you're sharpening the decision-making acts for yourself. Which means you now become quicker overall at making decisions. And as a by-product of that, what you'll find is that you're actually reclaiming time in the day. By making decisions faster. And now you start to have more time in the day. And this is one of the first things that I realized that one of the hidden benefits of being decisive is that this is how you regained time. That when you're quick with decision-making all of a sudden, you've got a lot more free time to get the things done that you need to get done. And I learned that I noticed it very subtly. And this is something to pay attention to, which is very useful. Is notice how much time you spend. Agonizing over decisions. How much time you spend like a waffling back and forth before you actually choose to do something? I pay attention to that time. That you're spending. It's a lot of wasted time. And if you look back and sometimes it's if we have a decision to make, or we have a problem we have to solve, it can go weeks on end. And you know it, when you have something that's bothering you, it's really hard to focus on anything else. It robs you of time. So if you've got, two weeks that you're just sitting there trying to solve something that isn't right in your life. And you're not doing it because you're agonizing over what could happen. It's actually taking away from the rest of your life. So it's not just the problem at hand, but it's what else in your life does the problem at hand prevent you from doing. And number one. Our number two, I should say. Is not just, what does it prevent you from? From doing, but does it Rob you of peace? Does it Rob you of peace and tranquility? So it's all tied together, right? If you've got problems to sum up the show, If you have problems, always reframe the problems as a form of solutions. The second you feel something's bothering you something isn't right. Or you do have a problem immediately write down three solutions and immediately. Start taking action on them because the action will make you feel good. It gets the momentum rolling in the right direction. And the bonus, the more you do this is that your decision making gets better and you start to trust yourself more with decisions and you'll get faster at decisions and the by-product of being faster decisions. Means you've got more time in your life. You're actually reclaiming time. So you're becoming more efficient with your time. So the takeaway here is to not look at problems as, like a curse or something negative, but look at problems as an opportunity to get better at problem solving. And decision-making. And then every time you have a problem, be grateful. You have it because now you have the opportunity to be better at problem solving, creating solutions decision-making and action. You now are learning a very essential skill in life to get ahead of everybody else. Is that all you have to do is learn to be more efficient with your time. Because we all have the same 24 hours and the more efficient you are with your time. The more, you can utilize that resource that you have time. The quicker we'll get ahead. So think about it that way. Think about the problems as solutions and think about, be grateful for the problems and think of problems as opportunities. To sharpen your decision-making process. And get better at trusting yourself so that you can ultimately reclaim more time in your life and be more efficient with the 24 hours that we all have in the day. Okay. So that's all I've got for you on today's show again, if you're enjoying this, there's two ways you can support the show, share it with somebody who you think would benefit. And number two, take some time to leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Apple Spotify, Google, or anywhere else greatly appreciated. All right. So that's all I've got for you on today's show. Have a good rest of your day and I'll talk to you soon.