Mindset Daily

Curated Consumption Develops your Brain into Action Based Thinking (How to wisely consume content)

Brian Aganad

Curated Consumption Develops your Brain into Action Based Thinking (How to wisely consume content) | Mindset Daily Podcast

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So I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, who has been. Thinking about and wanting to start his own business for a while. And to give you a little backstory. He has a corporate job, makes a lot of money. As they say golden handcuffs, but he doesn't enjoy it. He doesn't enjoy the lifestyle. He doesn't enjoy the long work hours. He doesn't enjoy. Generally just having a boss, and someone else telling him what to do. But the problem is this has been going on for a while. And. He can't quite get over that hump. To, pull the trigger and say, you know what? I have to step out on my own and I want to go start my business and do my own thing. Now. The reason I bring this up is because one of his hesitations. Is, he does a lot of research and he likes to go through and find everything. So like for example, when you're starting a business, there's a million different books you can read, right? You can go and you can have a list of 20 different business books, 20 different business ideas. 20 different ways of doing business, and. So to him it feels like it's a completely, it's a daunting task to look at everything, to listen to everything, to decide what you have to do and to pick from what w what comes across as like seemingly endless options. And. It really got me. It really got me thinking. Is, in today's world, there's so much information out there. That it's not just a skill, like learning is not just a skill. Isn't the only skill that's necessary today, right? You go back 10, 20, 30 years ago. Learning was a skill, right? It's you have to be good at learning. You have to know how to learn things. But now I think what's even more important than being good at learning things or being good at picking up new skills is being able. To decipher what to learn. Which is how do you consume. All of how do you choose what to consume and what not to consume, right? Because there's so much content out there. There's it's very easy to say I'm going to watch this. I'm going to watch this. I'm going to watch this. I'm going to watch this and this. And. You just waste a lot of time doing it because you don't really have a filter or you don't have a filtration mechanism for yourself to say this is relevant to me. And this isn't relative. Relevant to me, but instead it's you just start going in, you start going in like absorption mode, which is, I'm just going to absorb everything I can. And. For example, like if you're starting a business, it's trying to learn from. Jeff Bezos on, how to scale a company from. Billions to trillions is not going to be relative for someone who's just starting. Yeah. There may be some good information in there. There, there may be some. Quote unquote nuggets in there, but they don't apply to you. Or they don't apply to your situation. And I think that's where people get lost, which is they start to realize that in any, in order to accomplish any goal. Or in any category of goal you're trying to accomplish, whether that's business, weight, loss, relationships, there's so many like different. That there's so many people creating content. There's so many books. There's so many things that you have to choose. Like it's too hard to choose. So you just start bingeing on everything. Which is, let me read this and let me read that and let me go through all this. And the thing with it is that it leads to more paralysis. Then any type of action, because now you're just consuming things that are distracting, that aren't really even relevant to you. And I think for example, Shift over to another category, like weight loss, right? If you are. Overweight and you have a goal of St. Losing. You have a lot of weight to lose, right? In America, what is it now? Seven out of 10 people are obese, right? 50 to a hundred pounds if, but the tendency though, Is, and the tendency though is if you're overweight, And really overweight or obese, you're really fat. And then you start consuming the content that you find online. You see all these things about, you'll see tons of videos about, how to get a six pack. What do I do? What do I eat to get down to that last? How do I go from 10 to 8% body fat? Or how do we go from 12 to 10% body fat? And there's tons of content. And there's tons of information or you can even just. Do a search and you'll see millions and millions of videos of how do I get a six pack? What are the exercises that I need to do? And while that's all good and great. The point though, is that if you're like 50 pounds overweight or you're like 60 pounds overweight, There's no point, like it's not relevant to you, right? Like it's not that the content isn't good, but it's not relevant to you. Like instead what you want to do. Is immediately. Is to start consuming things relative to how do I lose? How do I lose? My first 10 pounds, learning about what a healthy lifestyle looks like. Learning what good nutrition. Looks like healthy habits, right? If you're just starting. What you have to do is identify where you're at in the cycle. And then start to curate the content that you follow and curate. What you read or what you listened to specifically around what you need. I think that's a skill. That. Makes content consumption more valuable in general. It's just let me make sure that I know what I, where I'm at so that I could find content specifically on that. And. Like one of the things I do. Is. I don't like to just mindlessly consume content. I think we're all guilty of, we open up our phone. We don't mean to, we see some like stupid cat video or we see something and we're sucked in yeah, that happens to us all the time. But. In general, like if we have a specific problem, like my strategy for content consumption, why listen to, what will I read? Who will I follow? Is I look for a specific problem. In my life that I'm trying to solve, if there's one specific problem that I have, then I will go and I will find content on that one problem. I will go find content on just what I'm trying to solve. I'll find all follow people who talk about that. I'll find books. That go into depth on that topic. I'll watch YouTube videos on that. That's the way I choose to consume my content. Like I don't want to just mindlessly. I don't want to just like mindlessly scroll through things and watch everything because yeah, there's a lot of valuable stuff online. And that's true, but the reality is, and the question you have to ask yourself is, does it apply to me? Like, how does it apply to my situation? So I like to call this like problem based content consumption. Which is you can actually stream, you can save a lot of time. If you just identify like the top three problems you have in your life, maybe a different categories, right? Like maybe you've got a work slash business problem. Maybe you've got like a fitness slash nutrition problem. Maybe you've got like a. Relationship. Slash communication problem. Maybe you've got like a motivation problem or something, whatever that is, you make those like buckets of those categories and you figure out and you say, Hey, these are my three specific problems within each of those like specific cat life categories. And then once you know what those specific problems are, then you can curate your follow list. You can curate. The content that you watch online specifically geared towards. What that is you need. And so that way you can save a lot of time. And that way you now have content that is more relevant to you, right? You have things that are better, more beneficial, and that's how you can avoid information overload. That's how you can avoid having too much information. Too much stuff to follow and it helps also to cut down on the choices. So to speak that you have to make, because when you have less in front of you, and in today's world. One of the things to really understand too, is that more is not better, less is actually better. And so the more streamlined. That you can make your learning the more streamlined that you can make your knowledge, the more streamlined. That you make the content that you consume. The more time you have in your life to actually do what you want to do. Like you have to get, you have to get into that mode of, I don't always have to be in learning mode, but what I do is I need to tailor my learning. I need to tailor the things around me. I need to tailor the content that I consume, the books that I read, the people that I follow. All around very specific problems in my life that I'm trying to solve. And then. And then after that, You can say once I've solved that problem, then I can go back and I can go switch up the content, that I want to follow or switch up the content. I want to consume the books that I want to read. So that way you have problem-based content consumption. And what this allows you to do is not only be more efficient with your time. And, but also put your, put yourself in a position so that you can take action to put yourself in a position where you actually can go and act on it because ultimately that's the goal, right? I think. That content consumption. Is I think ultimately the reason why people consume content is because they want some kind of actionable nugget out of it, or they want some kind of like piece of action or something they can do. But the problem is they get stuck in consumption mode. So that's that, that's really the way you want to think of it. And it's the way I go about it. It's it becomes really easy to streamline what you do. And especially like all of your social media online, because I know it's a pit, like I know how easy it is to get sucked into it. No matter. No matter how disciplined you think you are. Social media is designed to suck you in. So curating content, people that you follow, things that you read, stuff that you watch, make sure that it's all relevant to the problems that you want to solve. So at least. You gain. Some insight and you gain maybe that one thing you're looking for so that you can take action and that you can move forward. It becomes, it's one of the key things, right? And again, without repeating myself here too much, but I think it's one of the. The key factors in success today, which is, will how the question ask yourself as well. How do I mitigate distractions? Like how do I block out things that aren't relevant to me? How do I. How do I drown out the noise? Like how do I rise above all that? Because I think today, Also that's one of the legitimate reasons why people don't reach their goals. It's the reason why people. Can't stick with starting businesses. They can't stick with. Losing weight. They can't stick to reaching whatever goal it is that. They want to reach it because they're distracted. There's so many distractions. There's so many avenues for distraction. And social media is like a, it's almost like an, it's like a vortex, right? It's like a distraction, big vortex that just pulls you in and sucks you away. And then before, it's with how instantaneous our world is today, there are. So many things that lead us as straight. So you're the one it's for you. Like you have to be disciplined. Enough to tell yourself that. That I know the problems that I have to solve, and so I'm going to curate what I watch, what I read, who I talk to, who I follow specifically around those problems so that I can actually get to the goals that I want to get. The takeaway of today's show. Really is to understand that. Yes, it's important to know how to learn right. I think a lot of us have learned how to learn on some level, but that the next important thing is how do I curate what I learn and how do I decide what's important for me? And how do I decide what I need to follow, what I need to watch and the way you do that. Is you take the time to identify, like the two, three main problems in your life. Very specific problems that you're trying to solve in that moment, and then curate your consumption list. Too around those specific problems. So that way, the content that you consume ultimately leads to action. All right. So that's all I've got for you on today's show. Again, the way that this show gets out there. And the way that the show does grow is simply by you sharing it with someone who you think could benefit and taking some time to leave reviews of the show. So if you're enjoying that. Again, I do this podcast. Completely for free. I just like to get this out there and I like to help as many people as I can. So if you're benefiting from it, I would appreciate if you could do those two things, share it with someone and also take some time to leave review. All right. So that's all I've got for you on today's show. Have a good rest of your day and I'll talk to you soon.