Mindset Daily

How to Achieve more by Becoming Less Reactive & Instantaneous (And How to Leverage "The Rule of 1000" to Become Unstoppable)

Brian Aganad

How to Achieve more by Becoming Less Reactive & Instantaneous (And How to Leverage "The Rule of 1000" to Become Unstoppable) | Mindset Daily Podcast

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Hey guys, Brian Organon. And today what I want to talk about is specifically something in society that I feel will hold you back from. Reaching your goals and reaching the direction that you want to. Ultimately go into and that's just everything being so instantaneous, right? It's so easy to fall into. The trap of, we want everything instant. And, we order something on Amazon, if it's not there in a couple of hours, we are upset. We want it immediate. Like we want immediacy. We want to go out on a date. We opened up a dating app and we expect to find someone to go out on a date with, and a few hours, information now there's no delay, right? If we want information on a flight, we just open up an app. And we type something in and we get exactly what we're looking for. There's no more thing is. Travel agents. So we fall into a, we fall into a trap of believing of associating, everything that is quick with good meaning if something doesn't happen fast, it's not good. That's the way we've been trained. That's the way we've been programmed in society to understand that. If our Amazon package takes a week to come in, it's. Not good. Or if something, if I can't get the information I need right away that's not good. And we're all guilty of it. How many times have you tried to buy something from a website other than Amazon? And it's shipping takes three to five days and it's ah, that's too long. I can't do it. Three to five days. So we tend to associate speed and immediacy with good. And then we tend to associate. Slow and maybe a little more research or even. Being methodical is bad. The problem with that is the more we make that association, the less likely we are to stick to anything. And the less likely we are to actually have the staying power. To truly master something. And that's a problem where, you know as, as they say it takes 10,000 hours to truly master something, but it takes a thousand hours to be better than 95% of people or 92% of people, something like that. But the issue is that like most. Most people nowadays can't even fathom putting a thousand hours into something, investing a thousand hours of their own time into doing something in order to succeed. And a lot of what happens is we're now also a We're a solution seeking society. And what that means is that. We may want there, there may be something that we want and we act. But really we don't actually want what we say we want. We just want to know there's a solution. For example, if you're losing weight that you maybe want to lose 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, a hundred, whatever amount of weight it is. You want to lose, that, but instead of actually sticking to it and losing the weight, You just search for different diet books. What are all the different ways that I could lose? 10 pounds. What are all the different ways I could lose a thousand pounds? What are all the different ways and possibilities? Like maybe I could do keto. Maybe I could do vegan. Maybe I could do this Mediterranean diet. Maybe I can do this. We spend our time like seeking solutions versus actually acting on one plan and getting to the solution, which is what I mean by a seeking solution. Society is we find comfort now and not achieving the outcome that we want, but we find comfort in just knowing there's a solution out there. So that's where a lot of our that's where our research that's where everything ends now. The problem with that. Is we just start to jump around, right? That's the other thing, that's really the other thing about society, unfortunately, is that, it's trained us to be a little more reactive and it's trained us. Immediacy has trained us to jump around. So if we try something and it doesn't work. If we try something and it doesn't work on the first day, it's, eh, that's fine. Like we'll just move on right on onto the next diet that didn't work or. Or, We go out. We plan to go out on a date with somebody and we budget for an hour. We L we go out with them for coffee, three minutes. We're bored and we're moving on. We're ready onto the next. Before we even give anything, truly a chance, a diet, a person, a planner, anything. And. That's the, that is it. It's a thing that you don't realize that. Our society is very good at training us to become instantaneous and very good at training us to become instantaneous and reactive because those kinds of things, those traits, you have to remember being instantaneous and being reactive are traits that make us good consumers right there. W we're subconsciously being trained to be good consumers, not good investors. And. When we are more instantaneous and when we are more reactive to things, we consume quicker, we move on to something. We try something, we move on to the next, we try this, we move on to the next right. That's consumption. But when we are, when we become more trained to be investors, and I'm not just saying investing money, but I'm saying investing time, capital, bring capital into things you want to build. Like whether that's losing weight, starting, starting a business, starting a new relationship. Any of those kinds of things come from investing your. Time. So you have to look at doing things. You have to really look at doing things enough for them to work. And there's a quote, the, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and getting the same result over and over. But that the difference though, I believe now is that the definition of a genius is someone who's willing to do something over and over without getting results immediately so that you give it time to work. And. And that's the thing is success is really just going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. It's continuing to try. And that's the thing is like a lot of what you want to do in your life. You already know it's there. Like you, you already know what you need to do. But if you're honest with yourself, you say, did I really put the time into it? Did I really put the time? Into. Really getting to understand what I need to do and to become good at it. And that's really where You can start to shift your own mindset to, to. I understand that. I can actually learn things when I do put the time, but I have to invest the time. I have to invest the time I can learn skills. That I didn't previously have. If I invest the time. If I want to commit to losing weight and I want to commit to being in shape, I can lose the weight. I can, I have to put in the time that means putting in the time to learn nutrition, putting in the time to work out and having a longer time horizon and saying I have to do this consistently for five months, six months. I can't just do it for a week and expect any kind of results. For example, when I was installing a new sales system into my business. It's a new sale system is not just something that you can install and then boom, it starts working. It takes hours and hours and hours. Of refining and. And creating scripts. And also because it's like, it's also when you're installing sales system, for example, it's not just for yourself, but it's also for the other employees that you hire. So you have to have, you have to put in the time and the effort in order to, in order to. I do this and I did, I D I would say before, I even really had a good grasp on it. Like I looked at it and I didn't say I'm going to do, I'm going to do a hundred calls this way and see what happens. It's like I committed to doing over 3000 calls. To ensure that I really had a handle on it and they get better. Things get better when you put the time into doing it. For example, like practicing yoga, learning, handstands, any of these kinds of things. It's not just something you can do. You can't just gain flexibility. You can't just gain mobility. You can't just do two yoga classes and say I didn't get flexible. It's no, you have to commit to it. It anything in your life. If you're having a hard time reaching the goals you want. Instead of saying, look, I'm going to try for a day or two, the mindset that you have to have is anything worthwhile that I'm going to learn? I realize that 10,000 hours takes a lot of time. And that's what it takes to become a Roadmaster and the top like 0.1%, but a thousand hours is much more doable. So anything you really want tell. Ask yourself. If you weren't willing to commit a thousand hours to it, don't waste your time. Because you're not going to get, you're not going to get to a point of competency. And you're not going to get to a point, like you'll understand the very bare minimal if you do one day or two days of something. And that's the thing with fitness. If you want to lose weight, commit a thousand hours come in a thousand hours. That means to learning nutrition, understanding workouts, learning the way the body works, and then actually putting in the time. Actually investing that 1000 hours and saying and this is my. Rule so to speak, which is if you can commit to investing a thousand hours into any new endeavor or any goal you want to accomplish. You've pretty much assured that you're going to reach the goal because by the time you have got to a thousand hours of something, not only do you have more competency than 90 or 95% of people in the subject or field that you are. Getting into, but that thousand hours is not just the knowledge and expertise you've required, but it's the habit. That you have required, and that habit means it's going to carry you to keep going. And then by the time you've got that habit, you've now you now have a clear path and you have momentum. In order to help get you to that 10,000 hour. Barrier over time. So you have to look at things like if you go to your life and you look at all the things you want to accomplish. Ask yourself, have I really tried it for a thousand hours? And if the answer is no and you haven't got results, it's a very clear, easy. That's a very clear, easy way. Too. Go back to yourself and say maybe it's not. Maybe the thing that I did was not the problem. Maybe I'm the problem because I didn't put enough time. Into it. And I like to use this analogy. I like to use this analogy with my clients is that there is a. Let's just say, for example, Michael Jordan. Was teaching you how to shoot a basketball. And Michael Jordan teaches you everything that you need to know about shooting a basketball. And you go to the gym for one day, two days, three days, and your shots aren't going in and you save yourself. Michael Jordan failed. Michael Jordan does not know actually how to shoot a basketball because he's wrong because I did what he said and it didn't work right. Three days. You probably spent a grand total of an hour, maybe max doing it right. Do you see how ludicrous that sounds you blame Michael Jordan for not knowing how to shoot a basketball because you tried for two days or three days and it didn't work. Now imagine if you committed a thousand hours to. Employing the frameworks that Michael Jordan told you to shoot a basketball. Do you think w do you think it would work better? Definitely. Definitely. So you have to look at it in that regard and take personal responsibility and say to yourself If a plan or something I'm trying didn't work. Let me not be so haste, let me not so quickly and hastily blamed the plan, but let me actually look at myself and say, have I invested enough time into it? And. I think there is. And that's why I really largely think that phrase, the definition of doing the same thing over and getting the same result is insanity. Because that was created 50 years ago, 60 years ago, where, yeah, you do have to pivot where the world moves slower. Now it moves too fast. And people expect. Things to happen to them too quickly. And if they don't get results immediately, they're already moving onto the next thing. But they're not giving anything that time in order to truly make it expand. So look at all of, to wrap up, look at all of your endeavors as anything you want to create. Anything you want to do, any change you want to make in your life. Again, look at it like seeds in a garden, right? You can't just plant seeds in the garden and expect fruit, flowers, crops, whatever the next day it has to go through the seasons. And that's the same. Thing you have to do with everything in your life that you want to accomplish is you have to sit and tell yourself I'm going to commit to at least a thousand hours. That's going to get me to a high level of competency and build the habits necessary. In order to get to where I want to go. And if you can shed the. The immediacy mindset. You can sh you can shed the reactive mindset. You're now breaking free of all of the all of the things that society wants you to experience so that you become a good consumer for them. So if you can break those habits, you can put the time in, you're going to get, you're going to experience a lot more success in your life. You're going to reach a lot more goals, quicker, more painless. You'll have higher self-esteem. And at the same time, You will then start to realize the power that I had to achieve things was inside me all along. I just have to put in the time in order for myself to catch up with that. All right. So that's all I've got for you on today's show again. If you are enjoying the show, please do take some time to share it with. People and share it with someone who you think would benefit. And please do take some time to leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts, the reviews and sharing it are the best way to help this show continue to grow and to continue to expand. So if you can do that, if you're enjoying the show, I'd really appreciate that. So that's all I've got for you. On today's show have a good rest of your day and I'll talk to you soon.