Mindset Daily

How to Use Awareness to Boost Productivity & Overcome Resistance

Brian Aganad

How to Use Awareness to Boost Productivity & Overcome Resistance | Mindset Daily Podcast

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So before I start the show today, I want to take a moment to just thank you guys, all of the listeners of this podcast Mindset Daily, and thank all of you that have been leaving reviews and sharing it with people and helping to get the word out. The show crossed a hundred thousand downloads just the other day. So I am very excited about that, but I'm even more excited in the fact that you guys are enjoying the show. You like the content enough to sh to want to share it with people and enough to take the time to leave reviews. And just thank you for that. Thank you for helping the show grow and we'll continue to help this show continue to grow. And the next target is to reach 1 million downloads. So again, if you are enjoying it, you can always take some time to leave a review and share it with someone now. Moving on. Today's show is about awareness and how we can build awareness and how we can use awareness to help tackle sticky points in our lives, right? So there's a quote. It goes like this. Complexity is the enemy of execution. So when things are difficult, when things are complex, we tend not to act. But there's something that I've learned and there's something that I find it's very powerful. In helping to take action on things, right? And I think we all have areas in our life. We all have things naturally in our life that we, things we don't like to do, right? And it's different from person to person, right? Like maybe it can be very, even simple things like maybe cleaning, maybe you hate cleaning your house, right? Or maybe you hate. Going to get the mail right. Personally, I hate mailboxes. I hate in the neighborhood that I live in that the houses don't have mailboxes in front of them. You have to, there's a centralized like mailbox area that you have to walk. I hate mail because everything I get is digital, so I hate going in the mailbox. Little things like that, or there can be even bigger things that genuinely drive you forward. That you also don't take action on, or there are things where we know they're good for us, but we don't do them. For example, like we know going to the gym, exercising is good for us. We don't do it right. We know that there are certain things we need to do in our business that are good for us, but we don't do them because for whatever reason we don't like them. And we. Even though we know that the outcome of doing those is going to improve our life or it's gonna improve your life, right? Doing those things are going to help to improve the quality of your life in some way, shape, or form, right? If you commit to exercising every day for the next year. Will you be in a better place next year than you are today? Absolutely. There are certain things in business that you do, which is, if I do these things every day for a year, will I be in a better place? Yes. But these things naturally are just things we don't like to do. So I what I. Find, and this is my hack, so I'm like a simple guy on a lot of things, right? For me, I like things to be as simple as possible, right? Very simple. And I like to distill things down into things that don't require thought, right? So I like to take, before I act, I like to take the thinking out of things, and I like to get things down into the simple execution phase. Like I realize the more. That I can remove the thinking from action and just have the action itself be the thing I have to do, the more likely I am to do it right. And takes a little pre-planning sometimes and it takes a little bit of thought ahead of time, right? To boil this down. But I prefer to do the thinking upfront and then the action later. And that's the same thing, like if you are, if you're trying to work out. When you're trying to lose weight it's worth it to pre-plan what your diet is gonna look like, pre-plan your meals, pre-plan what your workouts are gonna look like so you're not thinking about it. All the time, right? Like how many times have you walked into the gym and you're like, I have no idea what I'm gonna do today. And you sit in paralysis because you don't know what you want to do, right? So that's combining action and thought, right? Those two things are combined, and when you have to do those two things together simultaneously, you're a lot less likely to act. Your brain is consumed by thought. Same thing in business, right? If you try to create a business without a business plan of some sort or a direction, you are going to be a lot less likely to. Act, and you're gonna be a whole lot more likely to sit and think, right? So when those two things get, when those two things get intertwined, our ability to act becomes less and we become more consumed by thought. So having a, having all of your actions distilled down ahead of time goes a long way in helping you to get those things done. That's why they say checklists are so powerful, right? Because. You have a checklist of things you need to do, and then you just knock those things off one by one. You're not thinking about it, right? And I like to do that. I like to identify areas in my life where I don't have a, where I don't have a plan, and things aren't just fully executable, meaning I can just dial it down and do this and act without thinking, and act repeatedly without thinking. Because I find that the simpler things are for me, the quicker I will do to get things done, right? Like my business is simple. Ultimately, I have an email list I have. A funnel that I run that has one program that it sells and it makes it very simple, right? The same sales process. It's very repeatable, right? I can do it over and over again, and you can master that strategy. Now, I do know, for example, and the reason I'm talking about this today is because, I do know within my business there are things that I can do that I know will be helpful for it, yet I resist doing them, right? So one of the things that I hate is social media. I hate posting on social media. I'm not a social media guy by default. I don't like sharing every detail of my life on social media. I don't like posting videos, tagging my locations. I don't like any of that. I don't enjoy it. That being said, I do know that there are. Benefits to posting and there are benefits to putting things out there more. It amplifies the effectiveness of my ads. It amplifies the effectiveness of my brand. It amplifies the effectiveness of everything else that I do. So I identified that the other day because. I can look at areas in my life and I can make a list of things that I resist the most. And that's one, that's always one of the things that pops up, right? That's one of the things that popped up recently, which is, Hey, I don't have the, I, I'm not that I don't love social media, right? But I know that it'll benefit me and I know that learning to do it, and it doesn't take very much time. But by consistently doing it, I know that it helps amplify everything else that I'm doing. I know it's gonna be better, yet I don't do it right. So I like to look at I, I like to look at those things, and I like to say, all right, I've got this. Down to action, right? So if I'm gonna look at that, I say, okay, and this is the next step where I look at things that I don't like doing. And you can look at things that you don't like doing, and you can do two things. You can either create a plan for yourself or you can create a plan for somebody else, right? I don't like cleaning in my house, so I have cleaners, right? That's really easy. I don't like, I don't enjoy spending hours of cleaning. So I have cleaners clean the house. That's just something I can take off my plate. That's another form of execution, meaning I can just remove that, right? I don't like it. So my plan of action is to hire somebody else to do it, right? Going to the mailbox, great example. Now it's not really practical to hire someone just to walk to the mailbox and walk back. So it's not really that high in my priority list. But then I look at things in my business that are. Higher on my priority list. And after you get to a certain point in business, obviously if you're starting, there's things you just have to do yourself and it's good to learn things by yourself, but there are also things where it's like, cool, I don't like doing this so I can have it. I can have it passed off to somebody else. That's also a form of execution, meaning I don't really like to do the backend. I do I record zooms for my clients. And a lot of, there's a lot of backend that goes into it, right? A lot of tedious backend, which I don't enjoy doing either, so I just have somebody else do that, right? It makes everything else run smoother. And then I look at it from a social media standpoint, and then I say to myself this is stuff where it's pretty easy to do. It takes a couple buttons, it takes a couple of clicks to take a video or post something. And put it on social media. It takes a couple clicks. I can dial that down into. Execution and just do it. So I'm not thinking about it, right? I can make the topics ahead of time. So one of the things that I do is in even with this like even with the podcast, if you're just trying to come up with things on the fly, it's not a simple thing to do. It consumes a lot of thought, and it's very much like writing. Sometimes if you're new to writing and you've got a blank page, it's hard to write with a blank page. You look at it and you say, God, I don't know. I don't even know where to start. So I have a whole list of topics. I created essentially an editorial calendar of some sort, which is, here's a whole list of topics I want to cover. So all I have to do when I'm going to record a show is open up the list of all the topics, pick it, talk about it, right? Because I have that done ahead of time. So I thought to myself, just do the same thing with social media. The social media follows. Your, the social media follows what you are posting on your podcasts and go from there. So execution, so I'm saying this to you because I will post more on social media now that I've got it right, and it's something where I think one of the most beneficial things is to become aware of the areas in your life, things that you resist the most, right? We all have things that we resist, but. The awareness side of it. I think the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is the unsuccessful people aren't aware that they resist things. They just don't do them right. If that's procrastination, if you are, if you resist things and you're unaware that you're actively resisting something, that's the definition of procrastination, right? But when you become aware of the things that you are resisting, Consistently, and you say these are areas in my life that I'm resisting. Oftentimes you just boil it down to the ex, boil it down to the execution phase, and what you'll find is in areas of your life that you resist, those happen to be things that require thought, right? Which is they require brain power, so you want to dismiss them. It's I'm not exactly sure what I wanna do, I have to sit and think, and whenever you mix action with thought, the action becomes more difficult. So that's where. You can say, Hey, I'm aware that I'm resisting something. I'm aware that I need to do this, and I'm aware that this is better for me. So let me just boil it down to a plan. Let me boil it down to something that I can just do and take action. So instead of inter like co-mingling the thought and the action, you get the thinking out of the way. First, you do the thinking upfront. So that way you can create a plan of action daily, and the more it gets distilled down into daily actions, the more likely you are to stick with it. Because when you can act without thinking the ability to turn that action into a habit also becomes greater. And that's why having, that's why, especially if you're new to working out, it's important to have a plan. To work out, which is don't just show up to the gym and not have a plan with what you're going to do, plan ahead of time so that way you can simply show up and do the exercises, and then you'll show up and you'll do it every day and it will turn into a habit. It's a much more, it's a much more efficient use of your time. And what I find is, you know what I find. With successful people and people who have accomplished a lot is they become more efficient with their time. They are just more efficient because they already have things distilled down into execution. They don't think, they just act so they can spend their time being very efficient with their actions. Because I think. That's the thing to be really be aware of. And it was something Jeff Bezos said. I can't remember where he said it, if it was in one of his books or somewhere, it was a quote from him. But time management is the key to everything, which is we all have, it doesn't matter, right? Whether you work for minimum wage or your billionaire, guess what? We all still have the same 24 hours. In a day. So we choose actively what we want to do with our time and how we choose our time. It determines what our outcomes are going to be in life. So there, there's a whole, there. Today's world, there's a whole lot of distractions, right? Let's just be real. There's so many distractions and so many things that can deter us from our goals externally. Not even our own thought, right? Nevermind. Nevermind our own thoughts. Nevermind, our own inner monologue or our own, self-doubt and fears, but just the external world. So we have to be, we have to become very efficient. With our time, and the better that we get at using our time, and the better we get at mapping it out, the more we are gonna get out of life and the faster we are gonna get to where we want to go. And that's why, again, mixing thought and action slows the action down because there's more time thinking. And then when you slow the action down, You are less efficient with your time. And then ultimately what it what we're doing is we are now mismanaging a resource that's finite. And that's really what it all comes down to is we all have the same finite amount of time. And ma time management is one of the most critical things for success. And we can't have that if things are constantly. Like mixed and intertwined together. So it's important to, I identify those things ahead of time and to identify areas in your life where you say to yourself I know this is good for me, but I'm resisting it. Why am I resisting it? The bigger question again, is why, and then because the execution isn't simple. It boils down to that, right? The more that we resist things oftentimes, We don't have an, we don't have a plan that's really simple to execute, and that's because we haven't done the thinking upfront. We haven't put in the brain power or the brain capital upfront to help make the actions easier. And I find that in any I find that in any area of my life, which is, again, like social media, sometimes I think I'm gonna post and if I don't have a plan, I'm just staring in a blank. I'm staring in a blank. Canvas on whatever platform it is that I'm on. So I like to do that and I can take all of those things together and then I realize oh, it's really easy to clean up your life. When you start to look at those things, you resist do the thinking upfront and boil those things. You resist down to a plan that you can execute. Then you start to do'em. That's how you overcome resistance in your life, right? And. Again, if you struggle with procrastination, it's important to understand that all procrastination is your it's having things that you don't, it's having thought and having action commingled together and you not realizing it. Or you can take that even one step further and just say to yourself, That. Procrastination is just things I'm resisting that I'm unaware of, right? When I'm unaware of the things I resist. Procrastination is the byproduct and the more that you can become aware, we all resist things, right? But what it boils down to is are we aware of them? Are we not aware of them? And the more that we're aware of them, the more that we can overcome them and the more that we can create a plan. So I'm gonna leave it there. I'm gonna leave it there for you guys to think about and for you to procrast. For you procrastinators out there, realize. We all resist things. Procrastination is just the byproduct of resistance. And again, it's just the byproduct of resistance we're unaware of. So the quicker we become aware of it, the better off that we, the better off we'll be because we can tackle it. We can remove the thought from the execution, develop the plan, and tackle the things we need to do to move our lives forward. So that's the show. Again, if you're enjoying it, please do take some time to share it with someone who you think would benefit and take some time to leave a review, and you can tag me on Instagram and let me know what you've learned and how you are going to apply it to your life. All right, so that's all I've got.