Mindset Daily

Start Before You Feel Ready

Brian Aganad

Start Before You Feel Ready | Mindset Daily Podcast

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so one of the easiest and simplest things successful people do. Is, they start things before they feel ready, plain and simple. They commit to starting things before they feel ready to do them before they feel prepared before they have the quote unquote credentials. Before they have all of the certifications, the trainings, et cetera, et cetera, they commit to starting. And this world today. Is it's the less of a, you need a degree. You need a certification, you need training. It's more built around speed and quickness. And what that means is being able to stay to yourself. I just have to, in order to get started, I just have to do it. I have to do it right. And it's really a learn on the fly world. I think never has there been a point in history where. You can create the life you want. You can experience so much success. You can build businesses. You can. Lose weight by simply doing it by going out and doing it. The knowledge is everywhere. The everything is already there's blueprints out there for everything you want to do. And. Even if you were to go back, say, 20 years ago, right? To the early two thousands or even the late nineties. The issue was there, there was a shortage of information. People. Legitimately did not know what to do because they lacked the information. But today, there is so much information out there. It's very easy to pick a plan and just do it. And so if you feel like there's something you want to accomplish in life, but you don't do it because you feel like I'm not ready. I don't have the certification. I don't have the training. I don't have the experience. I don't have their credentials. I don't know what to do. That's the narrative in your head, you have to drop and you have to commit to doing it. Just start before you feel ready. In fact, you'll find your biggest breakthroughs in life. R, if you make a, make an I'm not ready list a list of things you want to do, but you haven't started because you don't feel ready. You don't feel qualified. For whatever reason. Just do them. There's nothing that you, there's nothing that will help you gain experience faster than simply going out and doing it. And it's take anything. Take like golf, right? Golf is a great one. Golf's a great sport. So you can read all the books. You can watch all the videos. There's so much training everywhere. You can go through classes, infinite amount, but there's nothing that substitutes simply just picking up the club and suite, and if you do that every day, guess what? You'll gain experience. Starting a business. If you don't know what you're doing, that's okay. If you don't have a mentor to guide you every step of the way. That's okay. I just start like everybody. I think that once you realize in life that everybody starts from zero, everybody starts with zero experience. You then start to realize, okay, if I just start, I can build that experience, but I have to commit to doing that. It's not. A sit and wait. Game. It's not a sit and wait world for everything to comfort. Come to you for the experience to magically come to you. You get experienced through doing you gain experience through. Taking action. Getting started with anything. Starting a podcast. For example, you might feel, this is not my first podcast. I have some experience doing this already, but if you go back and you listen, To the first episode I did on the first podcast I ever did. I sounded awful. I sounded terrible. It's almost embarrassing. But do you know what. It's still there. It's still there and you just commit to getting better. Every single time you learn things, you start to pick up. Little things that you would only pick up from doing it, right? You get better. You gain the experience, you get better writing. It's the same thing, right? If you want to start a blog, The first piece you write may not be very good, but that's fine. How do you get better at writing you write? You do it, you keep doing it and you get better. These kinds of things. That's the way it works business. Nobody is great. Nobody just starts a million dollar business. Nobody just makes a million bucks. By starting a business yesterday and reaping the rewards of it today. The reality is that you have to start somewhere. Just it's just like growing. Plants fruit, vegetables, crops in a garden. You put the seeds in the ground and it takes time. Like we don't expect. The. The vegetables and the fruit and everything, and the flowers to be there the next day, it takes time. But one thing is for sure that if you say to yourself I'm not ready. If you don't put the seeds in the ground, you're never going to get the crops. And this is where you have to be really diligent about this is something where this is how I always, this is how I learned it. And it really stuck with me. Every, every single thing you feel like you're not ready to do now do it now. Commit to doing it now taking one little step to do it. Is all you need. In order to get the ball rolling and you gain experience. And that's what it is. Like people will say. I don't have the experience or I don't feel confident enough. That's another one people say I don't have the belief in myself. I don't have the confidence in myself. And. Very simply think of confidence. Think of your own confidence as your willingness to take action and do something before you feel ready to do it. That's what confidence is. And that's how you build self-confidence. Ironically is do things you don't feel ready right now to do. And when you start to do them more, you start to build the belief in yourself. You start to build the confidence in yourself. And all of the pieces start to come together. Come together. That's what self-confidence is. So just tell yourself. The more that I commit to doing things that I'm not ready to do. Right now today. The more self-confidence I'm going to build, because if you don't do anything, you're never going to feel confident. And. People develop confidence. From. Action. Action. Repeated action. The more that you take action, the more confident you become, the more resilient you become, the more you believe in yourself, the more self-esteem you start to build all of this. Is a flywheel that started with taking action. And taking action on the things you don't feel ready to do. It's that simple, but you have to commit to it. You have to tell yourself. You have to do. Cause all those things you don't feel ready to do. Guess. Guess what else goes with that fear? That's how you overcome fear. You do things that you don't feel ready to do. You do things that you are. Afraid of you do things that. Make you a little bit nervous. That's totally fine. It's okay to feel that way. It's okay. To feel nervous. It's okay. To feel unprepared. It's okay. To feel like a fraud. It's okay. To feel like you're not ready. The more you do it. The more confident you'll become. And the more you'll feel like you are worthy, but you have to get yourself to that position. By taking action today, right? So it's a simple message, but a powerful message. The things that. You don't feel ready to do are the exact things that will move your life forward. And. It was funny. I was having a, I was having a. Talk with one of my friends. Who. Runs a pretty big business. And. He said to me, part of like their, part of their like social media strategy and stuff that they do. Is. I asked him about it and his answer was. His answer was really funny. And he goes, you know what? You guys, you know what Brian. Business is pretty simple. Like when you understand something and there's people who post things online, that they don't post things because they take 30 minutes or they think they. They take an hour or they take three days to decide. How, what they say is going to be perceived. What other people are going to think about them when they do it, just post it post and move on, get the thing done and move on. The quicker you take action. The less time you have to be afraid. Or the less time you have to think about everything that can go wrong. Just take action. Stop putting yourself in a position where, because the more you delay, the more you delay something. The more, the doubt creeps in the more than the negative, self-talk creeps it. And you have time to. Talk yourself out of doing it, but get in the habit of just taking action. The quicker you take action. The faster you build the confidence. And the less time you have to realize you were even afraid of doing it because you spend the time taking action, and the quickest remedy for fear action. The longer you delay, the more fearful you become. So commit to doing the things you don't feel ready to do and notice that when you do that, your life will start to improve. And that's how you'll start to break through all of those plateaus. That you've been experiencing. By simply taking action. All right. So that's all I've got for you on today's show again, if you wanted something, please do take some time. I appreciate all of you guys sharing the podcast, leaving reviews. It's really helping the show grow. Tag me in a story on Instagram. Let me know what you learned, how you're going to apply it. All right. So have a good rest of your day and I'll talk to you soon.