Mindset Daily

The Person Who Says It Can't Be Done Shouldn't Interrupt the Person Doing It

Brian Aganad

The Person Who Says It Can't Be Done Shouldn't Interrupt the Person Doing It  | Mindset Daily Podcast

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So there's a quote and it goes something like this, the person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. Now. The reason I'm bringing this up today is because one of the most difficult challenges or one of the more difficult things to overcome. Is naysayers in your life. And. People who constantly make things more difficult for you than they have to be. So I believe that one of the reasons why people have such a hard time changing. Committing to a new habit. Creating a better life or building a business or accomplishing something they've always wanted to accomplish. Is because there are always one or maybe two really loud voices. In their heads. Coming from other people in their lives. That interrupt them from actually making the change. There's one or two really vocal people in your life that. We'll always tell you what you want to do. Is not possible. And this is why I like to go back to this quote, the person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person doing it. When you can identify these people and you can specifically become aware. That there are people around you who are going to tell you, you can't do something. It helps you to overcome it. And I think one of the things that really. Holds people back even more. Than the fact that there are people who will say to them, people close to them who will say to them, they can't do something, but when they aren't aware of the effect that those people have. And this is where you have to get really laser precise. And this is where you have to get really dialed in. Ahead of time. So that your own internal dialogue can help guide you. Pass that it's something you have to be ready for. And it's something. That you have to almost bake in the change. It's something that you have to just be ready for the fact that it's going to, that it's going to happen. And make that part of the success plan. Whenever you want to create any type of change in any arena of life, whether it's relationships, whether it's business, whether it is, your health, wanting to lose weight, you want to start a new exercise regimen. You want to travel. You want to do something to better yourself. Part of that process always has to be. Eliminating the voices. In your mind that tell you, you can't do it that come from other people that has to be part of it. And until you have a plan for that, It makes it very difficult. To truly overcome that hurdle. Now, if you were to stop and ask yourself the question. If I didn't have those voices or if I didn't have people in my life, Who were telling me what I wanted to do was impossible. What I be acting right now? Would I be doing it right now? And I think if you're honest with yourself, You'll say yes. And take it even one step further. If you say to yourself or ask yourself the question. What if, instead of having people in my life that were telling me I couldn't do something or something. Was impossible or couldn't be done. What if I had a whole group of people in my life who were telling me it could be done. It was possible. You are capable of doing this. This is easy. Do you think that would change your thought process and your ability to act? Definitely. Definitely. It would make it. Far easier for you to do it. And that. Almost like that invisible barrier that's there that comes from outside influence disappears. And I think that's where you have to be. Specifically focused on is at every level of success and or any time. You want to make a change? Whenever there is a change, you always have to anticipate that there are going to be influences and people around you. That will tell you it can't be done or will tell you it shouldn't be done. And they, those are the people. That plant the voices in your head that become beliefs that stop you from actually doing it. So you have to get to a point. Where you realize it every single time that I'm going to change course. Because you want to change course for the better. In any arena of life, whatever that is. You have to have a plan to quiet those voices. Otherwise acting gets so much more difficult. Going and actually taking the action that you need to do to change becomes far more difficult than it has to be. There's a skill and this almost becomes a skill when. You are trying to master change or you're trying to put yourself out there or you're trying to create something new. The skill is learning. To hear things, but not be influenced by every word that you hear. And that is more difficult than it sounds. It's easy. In theory, a lot of this stuff I talk about on this podcast is simple in theory. But it's difficult to actually. Follow through with, and it's a skill, it's a skill that a lot of top performers have where they can completely just. Block out the external noise, no matter what people say, no matter who says it, they completely block it out. And that's one of the things that I have seen very subtly. That it's a difference. It's the difference between in my life specifically, and maybe you can look around in your life. To see if this holds true. But the most successful people in my life. Are very good. At just blocking out the noise and the opinions of everybody else. And the people that I've known for a long time that are constantly stuck, constantly struggling. Constantly. Not in a place where they want to be. It's because they are overly focused on what other people say about what they do. And they're overly focused. On the opinions. Of other people. The more that they become drawn in the more that they become fixated. On what someone might say, and by the way, These may be not even people who are super influential in your life. These, this could be someone who is, maybe just a friend, maybe not even a friend, but an acquaintance. Maybe that you met at a party one time. And, or you've seen them maybe a few times in your life, but they had an opinion and somehow it resonated with you. Now versus the opposite. What I find, especially in. My circle of friends who are business owners and make a lot of money in business. They have one trait. They're all very good at like really good at it. You can say anything. Anyone can say anyone to them and they just block it out. They just completely block it out. It doesn't influence them in any way, shape or form. They just completely block it out. And that's a skill that top performers haven't in. Every area of life. In fact, I have wanted to use this as almost like a guiding light or a direction in life, which is if people aren't telling me it can't be done. If people are telling me it's impossible. If they aren't saying those things to me, I know that my thought process or my dream, or what I want to accomplish is not big enough. It's not big enough if other people. Can perceive it as possible. So I've learned to use it as the opposite, meaning I'm expecting that. And when I do get that kind of opposition, That's how I know I'm on the right path. That's how I know. That the, this is what I need to be doing now. Back when I started my business, the Asana academy. I wanted to build a whole business around teaching handstands and the benefits of hound stands and how it can affect your body. How it's good for your mind, how it's good for your mindset? How training your body. To do these kinds of things. Doing handstands specifically. And it's still there. You can go check it out by the way. How these kinds of things. Can make your life better, right? How you can use handstands and press handstands to. Improve your life, yeah, those are the benefits of it now. Pretty much every single person at the time. Told me that was impossible. Nobody was going to pay for handstands. Nobody's interested. In that enough, nobody is going to. Not only really have the enthusiasm to learn it. But then have the desire to pay for it. So it was on two levels. Which is number one. You might be crazy because you're the only one that's interested in it. You love it, but that doesn't mean other people love it. That's what the outside voices were. But. If I took that on his truth, I would have never started it. But then I realized instead my thought process was you know what? And I've always been I've always been stubborn in a certain way, or I've had almost like a stubborn resilience to things. So the way I heard it was okay, cool. It can't be done well, I'm going to go prove them wrong. That's always been my attitude, but. The way I looked at, it was, if I am this interested in it, there's 7 billion people in the world. There's gotta be other people online who are interested in the same thing. And. That is where. I just had to stick to my guns and realize, what, if I listened to every single person. That's telling me not to. I'm never going to do it. So that was hurdle number one, but then hurdle number two. Was. Are people actually going to pay for it, people didn't believe people were going to pay for it. And. Same thing. All the noise. It's a waste of time to create it. You're not going to be able to start a business, make a living. This way. And. Couldn't be done. It couldn't be done. So that was the outside noise. That was the. That the internal dialogue. That I was going, that I was battling against from all of those outside opinions. And the funny thing about it is that. Even after it took me a little while to get it going. But after I made my first million dollars selling handstand selling hand stamp programs. There were people who still thought I was just lucky, that it was going to run out and then it wasn't going to work. And it wasn't possible. And it was eventually going to just, Ben, you got lucky, right? Maybe there, they said actually they changed the narrative to There's a small group of people like you, but definitely not sustainable. The lesson there also is that. It actually really doesn't matter what level you're at in what you want to achieve or what you want to do. Or the change you want to make at every level. There's going to be people who tell you it can't be done. I tell you it's impossible. Tell you that it's not worth your time. It's probably better to just stay where you are at every level. And successful people realize that. And they just, it's a lot easier to laugh it off. So the more you hear it. The more comfortable you get hearing it and acting. That's the thing versus someone who's further along. In their journey in whatever that is versus someone who is starting. Is that the more you hear it, the easier it gets to overcome. That's what successful people really understand is that I'm going to hear it at every level. It doesn't matter where I'm at every single time. I want to create something new or. I want to level up again. Or I want to create another changer, always going to hear those same voices. But when you're starting, it's something that people who are new in any journey. New and creating any kind of change when they're just at the starting line. They aren't expecting. To here. Those critics and even more than critics people just tell you it's impossible. They're not used. They're not expecting that. So when they hear it, it almost catches them off guard. And starting, right? So if you were at a place in your life, realize where you're trying to create change, and there's a couple people in your life who are telling you it can't be done. It's not impo it's impossible. You can't do it. There is. There has to be a louder voice in your. Mind allowed her voice in your head. That tells you, I'm not going to take on what other people say to me as the truth. And I'm going to do it anyway. If it's my goal, it's my dream. It's my desire. I'm going to do it anyway. I'm not going to take on other people's fears. I'm not going to take on. What other people think. Is there reality and make it mine. It is not my responsibility to make other people's fears my truth. It's not responsible to make what other people. Believe or what other people say. My truth. And I'm going to act accordingly. So you have to really dial that in. And it's one thing that I say to. All of my clients today. Who struggle. With mindset related things. Is that. No matter what kind of critics you get, no matter what they said. Your internal dialogue has to be to yourself. Even if you have never done it. Even if. It doesn't appear that it's been done before. Tell yourself. Just because something hasn't been done doesn't mean it's impossible. Or rephrase it to yourself like this, just because I haven't done it doesn't mean it's impossible for me. Just because I haven't done it. It doesn't mean it's impossible for me, that implies that you can make change. That implies that it's possible. That implies that it is 100% within your reach to accomplish, but you have to feed yourself the correct narrative. It has to be that right. It has to be that. And make that your mantra and write that down just because I haven't done it doesn't mean that it's impossible for me. There's always a first time for everything and there's always. Room for you to change and room for you to grow as long as you apply yourself, but you have to be. Willing. To overcome. All the other stuff that comes with it. And the better you get at doing that. The easier it gets to act and change and the easier that it gets to block out the noise, it's a skill. So one of the skills to wrap up this podcast, because it's getting along one of the skills that you have to master in order to master change in your life and to be able to create the success you want is just realize that there are going to be people. Who will tell you can't be done. And there are people who will tell you that you can do it. It's impossible for you. Just ignore them. Just ignore it and act, no matter how difficult it gives. No, no matter how difficult it is, it gets easier every time. And remember the quote, the person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person doing it. All right. So that's all I've got for you on today's show. If you learned something from it, or there was something that was beneficial for you. Let me know. You can tag me in a story on Instagram and share it with me, let me know what you learned, how you're going to apply it, et cetera, et cetera. All of my social media is in the show notes below this podcast. And. The other thing, if you are benefiting from this show, you can show your support in two ways. Number one. Just taking the time to share it with someone who you think could truly benefit from it, who could truly benefit from listening it, listening to it. And number two, Take some time to leave a review of it wherever you listen to podcasts, whether that's an apple podcast, Spotify, wherever that is. All right, so have a good rest of your day and I will talk to you soon.