Mindset Daily

Simple = Easy Execution = More Productivity = More Success

Brian Aganad

Simple = Easy Execution = More Productivity = More Success | Mindset Daily Podcast

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So one of the most difficult things to overcome is this concept of resistance and resistance to act. And this resistance that we feel when we know we want to make a change in our life. When we know that we want to create new behaviors, we want to start something new. We have a new endeavor whenever we want to. Move beyond who we currently are, or we want to expand who we are. There's this resistance that always. Keeps us from acting right. Like you've probably experienced this before, where you get really excited or really amped up about something. And because it's going to be really good for you like making a positive change in your life is. Is the thing you need to do, but the more excited you get about it simultaneously, the more resistance you feel at the same time. So instead of creating. Instead of simply being able to make that change and to create. The momentum that you need through executing you stop and you forget about it and you put it on the back burner. Now let's break down that phenomenon and why it happens because. One of the, one of the most. I think. Overlooked. Aspects of change. Is do we opt for the simple, or do we opt for. The complicated. And what I mean by that is how many times have you decided to start something new? And. The thing that you have to do to change or the thing you have to do to create. The difference in your life. Or to start that thing it's complicated. It's really complicated. So if you're someone who wants to. It like if you're someone who's wanting to lose weight, and make a big change in your diet. And get in shape. The tendency is, and I've seen this, I've seen this firsthand with people. It's never simple principles. It's never just you know what let me just cut out junk food. Let me cut out packaged foods and let me just eat closer to whole foods, right? Things that grow from the ground meat that comes from animals. Really simple. But instead, it's never like that. It's I saw this one diet and I don't know it was, and it was probably like a fad diet of some sort where. You're supposed to eat every 72 minutes and you're allowed to eat peanut butter with this meal, but then you have to take this kind of supplement with another meal, and then you eat lunch at this time and do this and you need to sleep like. In three hour increments and in between you need to wake up in the middle of the night and do whatever it is, right? Like you get my point. There's that's complicated, right? It's complicated. It's complex. It's sticky. And sometimes it's fun. Two. Sometimes it's fun too. To look at those, we romanticize the complicated in a way where we look at it and we feel like, yeah, if we can accomplish this thing, This massive plan. Then It makes us feel really good about ourselves. We'd like to think we feel good at ourselves because we can accomplish the complicated. But the complicated is what stops us from acting. In weight. It stops us from acting and physically getting the thing we want. So actually, sometimes we look for complicated things. We look for complex things because the feeling we get inside. When we think about overcoming though, that plan or accomplishing that plan makes us feel good. But the reality is when it comes to execution, we can't do it. Because there's so many different elements that come into play. We start to build the resistance because as humans, if we aren't careful. When, whenever we're trying to we resist change, that's naturally the way we are. And so whenever we're trying to make a change or whenever we're trying to do something difficult, We in our heads, subconsciously try to work out. Every step of the process, right? We have to understand in our head, every step of the process, we try to make sure that we can control the process from start to finish. And the second that we stop, we may go through the steps. We, you could go through this really complicated diet and. In our head, we start to move through all the steps and we start to figure it out. And there may be something where the diet that you want to follow calls for some strange recipe of something you're supposed to make. And then you realize that, okay, I don't have a soup feed, so I can't make this, or I've never used. I've never used this kitchen gadget before to make this. So then we stop, right? Because now all of a sudden, all of those steps in the process, aren't clearly defined. So we look sometimes it's these little things. That stop us. It's little things, being things that are completely inconsequential, but they stop us from acting altogether. That's one of the, that's one of the bigger issues. And in fact, in everything, I think what you should look to do. Is whenever you're trying to create change or whenever you're trying to create. Whenever you're trying to create something new or different or something you're unfamiliar with, start with the simple, it's the same thing with business. It's. The same fundamental thing. And I like using online businesses, a great example because. If you were to do a little research on your own. You look around and you realize, gosh, there's millions of two tools, right? There's social media. There's all sorts of like chat bots you can use now there's AI that you can use. Now. There is. All sorts of things, you name it, there's tools for everything you on websites, you see these little pop-up banners, you see these little like proof badges that show up on, on webpages. There's do I create courses? Do I do coaching? Do I do membership sites? Do I do subscriptions? What do I teach? What do I learn? It gets so overwhelming. When you look at it and. There's so many different avenues to explore. There becomes, it just becomes a mechanism to shut you down instead of actually build you up. And it's simple and it's not simple, but the simpler that you can make things the easier it gets to execute. And that's the key, I look at every area of my life. And this is something that I have. Tried to create for myself. And it's something that I do a self audit on routinely. Which is. Are things in my life. Simple. Are things in my life, easy to execute because the simpler something is the easier it is to execute. And then I look at it and I say, you know what? The more I can simplify things in life. The more likely I am to do them. And the more likely I am to do them, the more likely I am to get results. So I'm finding ways to simplify, right? Like my nutrition is simple. The diet I follow is simple. My exercise is simple. The way I operate my business is simple. I like to make the key things in my life. I would say these are. Like pivotal actions in your life, diet and nutrition, business, finances, really simple things in your real pivotal things in your life. When you make the execution simple. It becomes easy to do them and it becomes an easy way to improve the quality of your life and get to where you want to get. The issue always boils down to the complicated when things again, The more complicated things. Get. The less likely we are to act on them. And that's just another form of resistance. So what you should do. And. Now we can pivot the show and move on to something where, how do you do an audit? And your life for simplicity, right? How do you do that? And I think number one, the first thing that you do. Is you say to yourself, all right, what is it that I want to accomplish? Number one. What are the things I want out of life? What is my vision for life? And that ironically is probably the most complicated thing, but ask yourself, just keep it easy. What is the one? What is like your main priority in life? What is the one thing you want to achieve? And then if you aren't getting there. Look at the reasons why. And when you go and you look at the reasons why you're going to find quickly that there are complicated things in the process, right? There are complicated things. That are stopping you from acting. And then the second you get that, the second that you get to this. Get to that part of saying, okay, I found the things that are complicated. I found the things that are not easy for me to do. There's the roadblock right there. Because the second you feel like it's not easy, something requires research or something requires a lot of time. You're less likely to do it. You're just far less likely to do it. So you have to be. You have to be ruthless. About keeping things as simple as possible. Like I can't stress enough. That. And I've. And I've said this before. Is that complexity is the enemy of execution. And the more complex, the more convoluted things become the less likely we are to do them. So doing that audit is really important. And when you look back and here's also one of the. Here's also one of the things that I've discovered. Is that the simpler things are the easier they are to become habits, right? So the hack to life is yes. If you develop good habits you improve the quality of your life. That's the goal is to have good habits that support you in where you want to go. What makes habits easy to follow? Is when you can create simple things, right? Simple things throughout your routine that become habit. Because. Look, change. Change is hard. Change is hard for everybody, but. But change becomes far easier when, what you need to do to change become simple. That's one of the things where, and a lot of times we're also conditioned, right? This is it's also human nature to think that the more complex something is the better it is, the more complex. Something, the plan is the better it is, right? And it's totally not true. If you've looked at, if you've looked at business plans. For example, sometimes you see these real complex business plans with millions of different steps that you can follow an arrows leading to different places, and then you do this and then in this order, and then once you get this and that. That's not necessary. Although we think it is something we always tend to. We always tend to associate. The more complex it is, the better. The better it is. It's not true. That's totally not true. The best business plans are simple business plans, or if you've ever gone to, if you've ever gone. To see An investment planner or a financial planner, or you want to do invest your money. In hedge fund of some sort and you talk to them. About what they do and how they do it. They make it seem so complicated, right? It's a complicated thing. So what are we investing the money? And while it's a mix of this and this, and there'll be visa equities and this, and all sorts of different things you go through partially crypto, partially equities. Partially real estate partially. That's partially that. And I'm just making that up, but you get the gist of what they say, right? It's if you've been through that process before you understand it's really complicated. And what is the feeling that you leave? With is I want them to do it because it's so complicated. I could never figure it out myself. And that's what it does, right? Again, complexity is the enemy of execution. And so a lot of time realize like when we're being sold services or when we're being sold things, the more complex that something becomes the less likely we are to want to do it. And the more likely we are to pass it off. So things become complex. We tend to associate that because we're also sold in that way. Complexity. That. Ah, it's better. They must know. And certain things like and this is not a knock on my gardeners. I know that they're doing, I, they do a great job at my house. I've got nothing to complain about. But whenever they explain something to me, It's always in such a, it's always in such a complex way. It's always so complicated, right? And the reality of it is ultimately what we're doing is we're we're putting a water line underneath the dirt here, we dig underneath the ground one foot and put a water line, and that will give you water here. For example, that's all that takes. But the explanation that I get is all sorts of other things. In a way, which is. It sounds very complex, but the reality is with all that explanation, I can't even describe the way it was set, but with all of that explanation, it's simply just we dig a hole under the ground and put a new pipe here. So real simple. It could be done in 10 minutes. And that is. Again, complexity. And it, when we hear things that are complex in turn, We tend to assign more meaning to them. Because we feel again it's get stuff done, right? There's more stuff to get done, but the reality of is the reality of it is it's just not true. It's not something. That allows us to. Get it done, it always sounds good. In theory. But when it boils down to execution, we don't do it. So that's the show is to simplify your life is to keep it simple. Keep it easy because the simpler you make things. The easier it is to execute and the easier it is to build new habits and the easier it is to get to where you want. And I can, and you might be thinking. And here's my final point. As you might be thinking. It would be nice if everything in life was simple, but it's not, things are complicated. Some things in life are just complicated. Now. That right there. I'm going to challenge you on to go look and see and to go look and spend a little time that if you look at every area in your life, And you really do look at this. Every problem that you have in your life has. A complex solution and a simple solution. Every goal that you have in life has. A complex path and a simple path. Every destination you want to get to in life. Has. A whole network of back roads you could take to get there, or there's a freeway. There's always a simple way. When you look for it, it's your goal to find it. And you just have to realize that being conditioned. To being conditioned to think complex is better is what holds us back. But the reality is for everything you want, for anything you want to accomplish, any change you want to make, there is a simple solution in a simple path. When you find it, you will get there quicker. So that's all I've got for you on today's show. If you learn something from this, do tag me in a story on Instagram and share it with me. Let me know what you learned or how you're going to apply it. And as always, if you're enjoying the show, you can support it two ways. Number one, you can share it with someone who you think would benefit from the show. And you can take some time to leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts. All right. So that's all I've got for you on today's show. Have a good rest of your day and I'll talk to you soon.