Mindset Daily

Make Haste Slowly

Brian Aganad

Make Haste Slowly| Mindset Daily Podcast

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So we all know this quote, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again with no results. Now I used to believe that quote to be true. But now I think the opposite. Now I actually think. The mark of a genius is doing something. Over and over again. With no results. Let me explain. So part of what's happened in our society today. Is that it's more instantaneous than ever, right? Like we. Like our Amazon packages delivered within 20 minutes. We have information at our fingertips. If we want to know the answer to something, we just Google it. So as humans now, we're not conditioned to wait for anything. Any more, we're not conditioned for delayed gratification in any way, shape or form. When we want something, we want it and we want it now. And that just wasn't the case. If you go back 20 years ago, That just wasn't the way the world was. Things were a lot slower, we couldn't just instantaneously. Jump online, find out what the cost of a plane ticket. From say California to. Madrid costs. We had to go to a travel agent. So there was like a delay. And things didn't happen, but humans were conditioned for that. They were a lot more conditioned for. For delayed gratification, they didn't need things right away to stay engaged. But nowadays people are so much more fixated. On. Getting things. As quick as possible, progress is always measured in speed. Which is how quick can I do something as something improving immediately? And if it isn't, I'm going to change course, I'm going to lose interest or change direction. And try something else, move on to something else. So generally just give up or get frustrated or get defeated. But that's the wrong way to go about it. And so now it. I actually just encourage people to slow down and do things sometimes see things through. Don't just try something. And. Don't just try something. And try it a little bit and then give up on it. Which is if you've got a big goal, if you want to lose 50 pounds. And you follow a diet for three days or four days. And you haven't magically lost all the 50 pounds, which is impossible by the way. I don't just give up. But people are conditioned in that way. That's where their head goes now, which is I want to lose 50 pounds, but if I don't lose it in four days doing some kind of crash diet, then I'm going to give up. Then I'm going to completely give up altogether because it's not moving at the speed. I want it to move. You can't wake up on a Sunday morning and decide you want to start Amazon. And then by Tuesday afternoon expected to be doing trillions of dollars. It's just not going to work that way. But that's the way our brains are conditioned. And that the disconnect, right? The unrealistic expectations. Are what leads us to stop things too early to give up on things too early. Which. A lot of the time we actually are on the right path. We are on the right path of doing things correctly. If you're losing weight and you're doing the right things, you're eating right. And you're exercising for a week straight. Acknowledging that you are doing the right things. And keeping at it is how you're eventually going to get to your goal and oftentimes doing the same things again. But if your attitude. Is the other side of it, which as well, it's not fast enough. I don't want, I want my results immediately. Unrealistic expectations, 10 to. Encourage us to give up far easier than we should. And so now typically, as long as you're on the right path, Doing things over and over without immediate results is totally fine. In fact, How else are you going to get there without repeating something over and over right. Success in anything? Requires. Repetition. And it's not like repetition is bad thing. Like today. Anything repetitive or anything? Non instantaneous is labeled as bad. But that's not necessarily the truth. You'll find that success is born from repetition. And where it really comes down to it. And this is why I like this phrase make haste slowly. Is that you want to move? You want to take your time, moving through things you obviously want to improve. You want to get better. You want to hit your goals. And. You do get there and, but this, but the whole phrase make hay slowly means you take your time. Which is by the slow path is ironically the fastest path to get to where you want. There is no faster path than the slow path. Now what you might think is. I'm going to try something and I didn't get results in three days, so I'm going to jump around and then I didn't get results in this and another three days. So I'm going to jump around again. And then I did this for another day. It didn't work. I tried this for a week. And you'll just keep jumping from thing to thing. But not getting anywhere, not getting any results in anything and being in the exact same place because you never gave any one of the strategies long enough. To actually play out. And that's why. The slow path taking one slow path. Is the, is ironically the quickest way to get to what you want because you just stick to the path, right? Just keep putting your foot one foot in front of the other. And when you're on the slow path. The person who stays on the slow path versus the person who jumps around. From thing to thing. As always chasing the latest, shiny object. The person on the slow path always gets there. First. They always get there first and it's the fastest way to get there. So the quicker that you can. The quicker that you can. Realize this. And. Also understand that society is hard, wired our brain. For instantaneous results at everything. And. Society has almost destroyed our ability for. Delayed gratification in any way, shape or form once you realize this, but also understand at the same time. That anything really worth it? Anything. Really valuable in life. Any goal worth achieving requires delayed gratification. It means building today for a better tomorrow and being patient enough for tomorrow to come. Like anything, if you're planting. I don't know if I have any gardeners that listen to this podcast. At all, but I don't know, I've planted a thing or two in the ground before. And you realize like, How unrealistic is it to put seeds into the ground tomorrow? Today. And expect fruit and crops and vegetables to be grown tomorrow. It doesn't work that way. We have to go through the seasons. It takes time. And that's the same exact. Same exact principle. Make haste slowly implies. Which is in order to really reach your big goals, the things you really want to do. You have to be patient enough to let them play out and you have to be willing to do something or stick to it long enough. Sometimes even repeating the same thing over and over, even when it feels like there are no instantaneous results. But it's having a faith. It's having faith in your plan. It's believing in yourself. So that you can follow through with it and work through those quote unquote boring times. So that way you can actually get to what you want, but if you become conditioned and this is the danger, and this is what I find. Is one of the things that's more inhibiting towards. For people to reaching big goals or success in general is that they just give up too easily. They just give up too quick because there's a miss. There's a mismatch between. What they want the size of their goals. And the amount of time they want to invest. Typically people want large goals accomplished with minimal amounts of time. But instead just realize instead of expecting. Large goals to be accomplished in minimal amount of time. And set yourself up for failure instead. Just realize if I want to achieve something big in my life or make an enormous change, I'm on the slow road. And the slow road is the only way to get there. And because it's called the slow road. It may be very tempting to jump off of it and try another one. But the slow road is the fastest path to get to what you want. So if you. Set your expectations, right? Before you set out, whether you're starting a business, whether you're losing weight, trying to make any change, any big change in your life, setting your expectations. Is critical. And just acknowledge as simple as this sounds, big goals require patience and time. Big goals require patience and time. Just like fruit trees and vegetables take seasons to grow in the ground. Vegetables don't pop immediately out of the seeds or fruit. Doesn't start growing a fines. When the seeds are just planted, it has to go through the seasons. And that's the same thing that you have to do. When you go through this and the better that you can readjust your mind on this, the more likely you are to succeed. Because two people can do the same things. The ones that have realistic expectations are going to get there. Meanwhile, the ones that have unrealistic expectations are not going to get there. Everything takes time. You need good thing in life takes time and society. Hardwires our brain, again, to be instantaneous, to want what we want when we want it as quickly as possible. It's like the Amazon delivery way, but we have to overcome that. And by slowing down, like if you look at things in your life specifically, That you haven't achieved that you've wanted to achieve. Just look and ask yourself. It starts with were my expectations in line with the outcome. Or was I expecting results far too fast for what I was actually trying to achieve, because if you were doing that. That is what leads you to give up too quick? That is what leads you. Two. Just quit or try a new path or lose interest or doubt yourself, all of those kinds of things. So whenever you're setting out to. Accomplish something or create a big change in your life. Aligning the expectations with the timeframe is so important. And to remember, to tell yourself that. Delayed gratification is the only form of gratification. And that when you start getting instantaneous and you start expecting things to happen, literally at the snap of a finger. That's when things are going to go wrong. That's when you have that mismatch. Between what you want. And the time it takes to get it. When you have that mismatch in your head, that's when your brain starts to think thoughts of I'm going to quit. I'm going to try something new. Or I'm generally going to jump off this path. So simple thought today, but very powerful one again, ask yourself the question. Am I aligning? Am I aligning my goals with the correct timeframe, because if I'm not, I'm typically going to jump around, I'm going to be too instantaneous. I'm going to quit and I'm not going to get there. The slow road is the best path and making haste slowly is the fastest way to get to what you want. All right. So if you learn something or this was beneficial for you tag me in a story on Instagram, let me know what you've learned and how you're going to apply it. And if you are enjoying the show and you want to support it, the best way that you can support the show is either one. Share it with someone who you think would benefit from it, share it with a friend or a family member, a coworker, someone who you think would really benefit from it. And to take some time to leave a review. On apple or Spotify or wherever else you listen to podcasts. All right. So that's all I've got for you on today's show. Have a good rest of your day and I'll talk to you soon.