Mindset Daily

You Only go as High as the People you Surround Yourself With

Brian Aganad

You Only go as High as the People you Surround Yourself With | Mindset Daily Podcast

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So one of the fastest ways to improve your life is to improve the people you surround yourself with. Now, this is something that is overlooked a lot when it comes to success and it comes to creating a big change in your life. One of the fastest ways to create that change. Is to surround yourself. With people who want the same thing you do, or even better are at a place that you want to reach the. The thing that holds people back more than anything else in life is when they're, when they surround themselves with other people who have poor mindsets, like a loser attitude are constantly negative, are constantly telling you. You can't do something or that's impossible and that's too hard. The quote. You only go as high as your five closest friends or simply put the other way. If you surround yourself with. Five idiots. You are destined to be the sixth. This is not an easy thing. Now, this is not an easy thing for people to do. And this is probably not an easy thing for you too. For you to do, if you've been in a situation like this before. Where. The people around you are not supporting you. The people around you are not helping you to get to where you want to get. And the people around you are just holding you. Back. It's we know that subconsciously, but it's not easy to just get rid of them. And that's where actually like on the road to creating what you want the path to create what you want. Means being brave enough to remove them from your life and. And sometimes it doesn't even have to be a complete removal, but cut down the time, like drastically cut the amount of time, like 90%, if they're. If they're close friends, childhood friends, or family members, sometimes it's impossible to get rid of them all together, but cut back on them like 90%, 95% don't allow yourself to be in their presence. Like 24 hours a day, because the more that you are around them, the more you absorb their mindset, the more that you absorb. Their thoughts, their beliefs, their fears, and though their thoughts, their beliefs, their fears be calm. Your reality too. So you have to sh you have to. You have to realize. And I, this is like one of the first things you have to do. Is part of laying what I call like the groundwork for success or the foundation for change in your life means before you start to do anything. You have to identify the people in your life who aren't going to support the change. You have to identify the people in your life who don't have the beliefs to help fuel the beliefs inside you in order to get to where you want. And you have to identify those people that are just negative are going to negatively impact your ability to get what you want. A lot of the time, you'll see someone just fail at something because they're surrounded. By people that are encouraging them to, to fail. For example, if you want to lose weight, If your goal is to lose 50 pounds or a hundred pounds and. Everyone in your family is obese. Everyone is overweight. And every single time you try to even, eat something healthy, buy healthy food at the grocery store. That's what you're going to have family members who are telling you that's not what we do. We don't, we're all obese in our family. It's our genetics. It's impossible. You can't lose weight, or if you're trying to eat healthy and get in shape it's well here, why don't you have this slice of pizza? Why don't you have these French fries? And this cheeseburger, right? It's it's a form of sabotage where they're physically. They don't, they may or may not realize it, but subconsciously their beliefs are being imparted onto you. Now, do you think it'll be harder to lose weight in that circumstance? Yes, definitely. It's going to be way harder to lose weight. If you have someone that is sabotaging every effort, right? Now every simple decision is challenged and every simple decision is something that you have to fight against. Is that going to make it harder to lose weight? Most definitely. So you have to instead. Cut down or remove those people who don't allow, who aren't going to allow you to succeed. Now, do you think that if you're trying to lose 50 pounds, it would be easier to lose that weight. If you spent time with five people who ate healthy and five people who. Valued exercise and getting in shape. Then if you spent your time with obese people all day long, of course not. No doubt. Of course, it's going to be different. That's one example of it. Another example, if you want to start a business. I'll tell you a story here in a little bit, but if you want to start a business, Surrounding yourself with other business owners surrounding yourself with people who have done what you want to do. Is. Do you think that will help you? Start your business and get to where you want quicker than surrounding yourself with people who have never started a business and are questioning you and doubting you and telling you how hard it is and how impossible it is. Of course, it's going to make a difference. It's going to make a huge difference. So part of, one of the most difficult things, and it's something that I've really had to learn is we all have friends in our life. We all have people in our life that. Are, they're around, we've known them from some point in our life or some point in time. But they haven't grown with you. They haven't evolved with you, or they don't have the same ambitions you do, or the same dreams you do. But they, but every time they're in your life or they're around you, you start to feel like they're like an anchor or it's, they're like a drag, right? Like they prevent you from getting. What you want or they make it harder. They doubt you. And they leave. You generally doubting yourself right there. Like vampires at this point where it's like, they're sucking energy from you versus giving you. Energy. And. You have to have the courage. To step back, you have to have the courage to drastically cut down the amount of time that you spend with them. So that you yourself can work on. Your own mindset to help get to where you want to get. If you are. If you are constantly surrounding yourself, and this is how we get set up for failure. We surround ourselves with people. That don't support us and are making life harder and even worse. If you find yourself in a relationship with someone like that, who doesn't support you, who's Jen, who's genuinely negative. And it's constantly. Belittling you and constantly telling you, like you're not good enough or. Or filling your mind with doubt that is not going to get you to where you want to be. Like you're not going to accomplish anything great. By being around a bunch of people who are simply pulling you down and it's like the. It's there's a, it's like the crabs in the bucket theory, right? If you have ever. Scene like crabs in a bucket. For example. And what did the crabs do when one is trying to climb out of the bucket, the rest of them, pull them back down. It's like a, it's just like an instinctual thing. They pull them. All back down and. Before you realize it, every single crab. In that bucket is going to end up in the boiler because not one can get out because every single one of the crabs is pulling every single one of the other crabs back down. Same principle same philosophy. So you have to go out of your way to align yourself with the right people now. That may seem, and you might be asking, you might be thinking now and you might be saying Brian, if it was. It's not easy to just find the people. It's not easy to go out and look for. A group of people that supports me, like how do I do that? How do I go about doing that? Now here's the, here is part of it. You may be and mentors, like if you're lucky enough to find a mentor, a great mentor. Just in, just around you, someone who's willing to. Mentor you, coach you and spend time with you. Consider that. A stroke of luck because that's not the case. Most of the time you have to go out of your way to seek these people out, right? Like you may and. The first one, and this is something that I had to learn. So I guess I'll move on to this part of the show by explaining something to you, which is. So for me, when I wanted to start my business, I was around a lot of yoga teachers. And I was around a lot of yoga teachers. So my business, the Austin academy, you can go check it out. The Asana academy.com. I was around a lot of yoga teachers. So my goal was to start a business online, create programs and sell programs, and, generally grow up that way. Now. Yoga teachers typically, and this isn't, this, isn't a knock on yoga teachers directly per se, but it's just their mindset. And it's their state of being where they're at. It's something that it's something that I had to identify and realize is that. Yoga teachers. And sometimes. Yoga teachers and sometimes yoga practitioners. Have this. The yoga industry in general, there's a mindset around, there's a negative mindset around money, which is. Yoga. You are committing yourself to a life of service, meaning yeah. It's immoral to charge money for things it's evil to charge money for things you shouldn't charge a lot of money for things. And a lot of yoga teachers are broke, right? They fight they'll fight yoga studio owners for, Five, a$5 raise in our class and they'll go to bat for that. They'll be staunch defenders over$5. And. That's not going to move the needle or change. Change their life in any way, shape or form, right? Any way, shape or form. That's not going to. That's not going to move the needle at all. But that's what they believe. And so they act like that. So when you're around people like that all the time. You realize if they have a dead broke. Gutter mindset on a gutter mindset on money that is going to impact you. That's going to impact the way you see it, and that's going to impact the way you view. The funny thing was my mistake. My mistake at the time was, I wanted other people's opinions on my business. And consulting. Other yoga teachers was probably the biggest mistake, because of course they don't think it's possible. Of course they don't. I think that. Creating anything outside of what they know, which is showing up and teaching classes all day long as possible. Selling programs even at the time, selling programs for hundreds of dollars. They thought was impossible. Nevermind. Thousands of dollars or tens of thousands of dollars, tens of thousands of dollars, which, is what I sell today or our coaching packages to. To people that would have never been possible. So the first thing I realized, the first thing I identified in that. And like in that space is I need to move. Outside of this space and I need to surround myself with other people. Who share the same vision. Or have a way. To can see the path right. Just conceit that vision. And when you surround yourself with different people and you change who you surround yourself with all of a sudden, what you believe to be Paul, what you believe to be possible changed. And. Again, it's really funny because. At the time. At the time I had. A couple of friends or I have are, I had one friend in particular who was really big into app development and created an app. And. And sold and ended up selling the app for 30 something million dollars. And. I thought that when I was listening to him, Talk about it. I was talking about my business. He was like, yeah, of course it's possible. Of course that's possible. That's easy to do. Start creating this and this and this and this. And. Before you'll know it. You just have to create things. And at the time I was like 20 something years old, like early twenties. You still, you, you need a lot of Like it takes a lot to overcome that fear to get you over the line. And then by having people who. Having people, anyone in your life who's negative or discourages you it's like it has like a doubling effect, right? It's ultra powerful where it will physically stop you. I started doing that. And then I, as I started to build momentum in my business, I started to then surround myself with other business owners, find them online. And later on, I started to realize that, one of the best uses of the money that I made was reinvesting it into myself and actually reinvesting it into mentors and reinvesting it in the coaches and reinvesting it into. Learning specifically so that I can upgrade my mindset. And I would say to this day, it's the reason I invest in. Masterminds and being parts of groups. Of other business owners and other people who think like me is because guess what it's like when you surround yourself with those people all the time. It just becomes normal D the operational things that you do day to day just become normal because everyone is doing it right. So that's important and then now it's even easier. And they don't even have to be physically around you. I have. I have people. I have real close friends that I talk to on zoom all the time. They don't even have to be around you. You can get on the zoom. And chat with them. And have a conversation with them. That's the beauty of it. And now on the internet. Which is. You might also say to yourself I don't have. I don't have the money to invest in coaching. I don't have the money to invest in. Mentors. I don't have the money to do that. I don't know if people around me. Get on the internet and find groups, right? There's literally groups everywhere. Like you can get on Facebook and find groups. That's. That's a great start and it's even better than, surrounding yourself with a bunch of losers. It's just get on Facebook and find groups. I'm sure with the size of Facebook, there are groups that. Are doing what you want to do, just breed the group, surround yourself with those people, make friends in the group, interact in the group. Add them as friends. Shout with them. And maybe eventually you can start, you can talk to them on zoom, right? That's how I've made a lot of connections. You just meet people in groups who think and putting yourself out there and seeking out the people. Who can help you surrounding yourself? I can't emphasize how important it is. To find people who have the same interests and the same ambitions as you do. Write it. I have. It's critical. In fact, because if you. Don't have that. It makes what you want to do. A lonely road and a questionable road, right? Like self doubt is large enough. For most of us. And change there. There's nothing that invokes self-doubt. Faster than having to change. Anytime you want to change self-doubt is the first thing that, that creeps in. So you have to find. You have to find. People in some way, shape or form, and it's 20, 23. So it's easier than ever to surround yourself with these people. And I would argue that, if you're resourceful, they're not hard to find, like you can find local business groups in your area. That's what you want to do. And I should preface this by saying look, if you want to start a business, but if you want to lose weight, surround yourself with people who are healthy, right. Whatever it is you want to do, surround yourself with the people who are doing or want to do what you do. It's, it'll make it far easier for you. I don't. It will make it far simpler for you to get to your goal. And there's always groups and there's always people. And it's the thing to realize that the world is big enough, right? There's billions of people on this planet. There are other people who share the same ambitions you do. There are other people who want to accomplish the same things you do. And there are other people who have already accomplished the things that you want to accomplish. And there's more tools and with technology, there's more ways than ever to surround yourself and get yourself in front of these people. That it makes a huge difference. In fact, I would argue that it makes all the difference. Think about that? Think about how you, who you put yourself around, who you surround yourself with. As a critical part to your success. And as a vital piece, like as a cog in the wheel, because once. If you don't do that, it makes everything else that you do harder and it makes everything else. That you are. Trying to accomplish tougher. Think of that as part of the recipe. Think about that as part of the recipe for success is in order to create the change that I want in life. Part of the foundational pieces are putting myself in front of people and around people and surrounding myself with people. Who. Think the same, who have the same thoughts as me who have the same ambitions as me want to accomplish the same things as me. It's an ultra powerful parts of the process. And I'll leave you with this to remember. Is that. You may find whenever you want to make a change, a big change in your life, that there's people that will criticize you. People that will. Invariably make your life tougher, but just remember this. That. Anyone, who has anyone who has ever accomplished more than you? We'll not criticize you Dell support. You. Anyone who around you is criticizing you is probably done less or has. The M has the ambitions or dreams that are not nearly as big as yours, right? It's always easier to tear someone else down and criticize them than it is to build people up. But anyone who's done more or anybody who is invested in your success? Who wants to see you succeed? Is going to help you. They're going to encourage you and they're going to help you get over the finish line. All right. So I'll leave you with that today. That's all I've got for today's show. Please do tag me in a story on Instagram. Let me know what you've learned or how you're going to apply this to your life in some way, shape or form. And. To support the show. If you are enjoying the show, there are two ways that you can help support it. And number one, that share it with someone who you think could benefit from listening to the show, a friend, a family member, or someone who you think, would genuinely get value from this podcast. And. To take some time to leave a review on. Apple or Spotify or wherever you listen to podcast, all of those are great ways to support the show and I would greatly appreciate that. All right. So that's all I've got for you on today's show. Have a good rest of your day, and I will talk to you soon.