Mindset Daily

Are you Living the Life you Want to Live?

Brian Aganad

Are you Living the Life you Want to Live? | Mindset Daily Podcast

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Question for you. Are you living the life you really want to live or are you settling for less? So today's episode is a check-in. For you. And that question is exactly what I just posed. Are you living the life that you truly want to live? Are you in a place in your life where you can say, this is what I dreamed up. This is what. I wanted out of my life and I'm living that dream life. That's the question for you. And then if you aren't. The next question is what's stopping you. What is making you afraid to go live the life that you want to live? What is making you hesitant to go out and get. Your dream life or the life. That you want to live currently, right? There's a lot of factors that go into this, but. Sometimes. Fear is like, Being afraid is a bigger driver than. What we want, or I guess a good way to describe this is that some people are motivated by pleasure and some people are motivated to avoid pain, or run from pain. And. Oftentimes, we just play it safe. We just choose to play it safe in life because we're afraid to take risks. We're afraid to step out there. We're afraid to change our daily routine. We're afraid to. Just do anything outside of what is comfortable. And the longer we do something, the more that we have a routine that we do in life, our regular thing. We wake up at the same time we eat the same thing for breakfast. We generally follow the same thing. We drink the same coffee. We just get comfortable. We just completely get comfortable. And then anything outside of that, anything that pulls us outside of our comfort zone is too much. We start to build like resistance, right? There's a there's physical. Resistance that just builds up around saying I'm going to step outside my comfort zone because. It's scary, right? So that fear gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And that fear. Is what. Stops us from actually really living the life that we want to wit. Right now, if you ask yourself, the question is, if you aren't living the life you want to live. That the big question is what's the gap, right? What is the big gap between where you are now and where you truly want to be? Because that gap is where your fears lie. And oftentimes that gap of those things you have to do, you'll realize there are changes that you want to make in life, you know that, right? Like how many times have you been. Stuck in a job, for example, that you knew you didn't really want anymore. You are sick of it. You knew for a while, but you stuck around, you sat there. You were like, you know what, I'm just going to tolerate it because it's comfortable. My paycheck is comfortable. My situation is comfortable. So I'm just going to tolerate. And then you let it sit. And then months of this discontent and your job turned into years, turns into even decades, maybe. And. You don't do anything about it simply because you are comfortable. The difference between. Operating in our comfort zone and being comfortable operating outside of our comfort zone is oftentimes the difference between the life that we have and the life that we want to live. And. In order to get on that path. And I guess here's the other thing to preface it is that. We never really truly have our. Perfect life, we're always working for something. There's always something more. That we want. But what we can do, what you can say from this is that I want to set the building blocks. I want to make sure I'm living my life, which is moving me in the right direction. I'm moving in the right direction for what I actually want to do. And what are those actions that you have to take? What are those? Things outside of your comfort zone that you have to do, everybody has them. So if you ask yourself and you get honest with yourself and you say what is. That, what is the life that you want to live? What are the things that you want to be doing daily? What are the things. That you want to accomplish? What are these kinds of things? And then ask yourself, make a list of the things, because it I'm sure it. What are the list of things you have to do in order to start to move towards that dream life in order to start to move towards the life that you want to live. And then if you're honest with yourself, you'll take a look at that list. And. You'll say, yeah. You know what? I know exactly what I have to do. I'm just not doing it. And why is the reason you're not doing it? Probably because you're afraid. Everybody has a different threshold. Of comfort. And after a certain amount of time, You get to a point where that threshold of where you operate gets smaller and smaller and smaller. And then before you know it, you find yourself trapped in a little tiny comfort zone. And yeah, the comfort is great, but comfort is a low level of fulfillment, right? Comfort is a very low level of just being content in the moment. But discomfort in the moment is what leads to having. More comfort later on, having the dream life that you want to live. But you have to be willing to then say, I know these are the things that I have to do. I know these are the things that I'm afraid to do. And then you have to push through it. You have to be able to say, you know what, I'm going to step outside my comfort zone and I'm going to operate. Because if I do, if I can, the life I want to live is on the other side. And sometimes, and this is the way I always heard it. And this is the way I was always taught. And this is what keeps me motivated is. If your fears are greater than your dream life or your fears are greater than the life you want to live. The life you want to live or your dreams aren't big enough. And they aren't large enough because the more that your. The bigger, or the more ambitious that you set your goals and the more. Crystal clear, you have the more crystal clear you are on your dreams and the things that you want to pursue and the life you want to live. That's a really enticing thing. Like why would you not want that? That's your dream life? Why would you not want that? If there's something you really want the fear associated with, it never seems as large. It's never as large because the payoff for overcoming those fears is, are 10 times larger than the fear itself. That's what could motivate you? That's what can get you started on the path and sometimes Your dreams aren't big enough, right? If they aren't big enough, then the fear associated going overcoming the fear, the get there, isn't worth it to you. And that's why sometimes we don't act. That's why sometimes we don't live our dream life. Is because we're cautious with what we feel like we define our life to be. And in that caution, We tend to slash, or we tend to even our, even in our mind, our dream life is, can be like 20% or even 10% of what we want it to be. But, and that, you're the only one that knows that. Here's the thing. If you are only, if you are only settling for 10% or 20% of what your dream life. Could be. Then that's not enough motivation to help you overcome the fear, right? That's not enough motivation to help you overcome. That the fear of not acting. And so then you just stay calm. You just stay comfortable, right? Because you say, you know what, a little increase on my life, a little change in my life to make me a little bit better. Is, that's not enough. You need something big. You need something. You need you need a big enough. Y you need a big enough dream. You need a big enough. Reason. To overcome the fear. That's the hack. That's how you over. That's the hack. That's how you overcome fear. The best way to overcome fear is put fear right? In between the thing that you really want and make the thing that you really want really big. Because when fear is standing in the way. If something really big. You will overcome the fear, but fear is in the way of something. That's tiny or, ah, it's marginally better or just a little bit better. It's not worth it. It's not worth it to overcome the fear. The fear seems large in comparison. Ask yourself again, what does your dream life look like? And maybe you haven't even defined this for yourself, but think about it, right? Is it. Traveling around the world. Is it not working for a boss? Is it not? Is it not, waking up to an alarm clock, is it. Exercising for five hours a day, whatever your dream life is. Define it for yourself. Define it. Define all the things in detail. Because the more detail that you can go here on this. The more detail that you can go in defining what you want. The more excited you're going to be to reach it. And when you become excited to reach it, that destination. Is something that is enough to now move you past your fear. The fear that stands in the way. Is. Just now small and comparison. And it's very similar to traveling in a way let's say you've never been to Italy before. You really want to go to Italy. Maybe you really want to go to Tuscany and you want to go wine tasting and you want to. Just explore Tuscany in general and go to it's your first time. But you're afraid to get on an airplane. Now, the thing is if you ask yourself I'm not going to get on an airplane. And I'm not going to get on an airplane. And because I don't want to go to Tuscany and taste wine. In your mind, that you're missing out on an incredible opportunity because you're afraid to get on the airplane. Is it. Is it a. Is it a re is it a rational thought to believe the plane might go down? Yeah, it is. Is the probability of that very high. It's almost, it's very tiny. And. So you'd be missing out on that opportunity because of your fear. But knowing that there's a trip to Tuscany, there's a trip to Italy and wine tasting that will help you to say you know what? I am scared of getting on airplanes, but I really want to go to Italy. So I'm going to get on that plane. Now, if someone came to you and said, all right, you've got a fear of airplanes. Let's get on that airplane. And, let's take you to like the grocery store or something. Not big enough, it's not big enough. It's not enough for you to say, you know what? I'm gonna overcome my fear of planes to get on that plane, to go to the grocery store. It's just not feasible. It's not big enough. It's not enough to motivate you. So that's the thing when you're defining your life and you're defining the things that you want. Think of it in terms of defining your life in the way that you would define travel. Like somewhere you'd want to go. If you could pick your dream destination. You're going to have no problem. Researching finding your dream destination, getting really excited about it, planning and planning out all the details. And then all of the fears and everything associated with not making it happen are very easy to overcome because the definition or that place, that, that exotic place you really want to go to. Is enticing enough to help you overcome your fears. But if it's just something very basic. Or it's somewhere you've been before, or, my example of the grocery store. Not enough, right? It's not enough. In order to live the life you want. Sometimes you have to, in order to overcome those fears, you have to redefine your life. So that it's big enough in comparison to the fears that you have. And the bigger that you make, the definition of what your dream life looks like and doing the things you want to do on a daily basis. The lesson less likely you are to stick in your comfort zone. You're going to want to go out and go get it. It also allows you. That's also the trick. To overcoming and pushing past fear. If your goals and your dreams are bigger than the fears you have, the fears seem small in comparison. So that's all I've got for you on today's show. As always, this was beneficial for you. Please do take some time and share it with someone who you think could benefit from it and leave a review. It's one of the best ways to support the show. And if you have questions or you want to let me know, you're listening, you can tag me in a story on Instagram. Let me know what you learned or how you're going to apply it. And. I'll reach out to you from there. Cool so that's all i've got on today's show have a good rest of your day and i'll talk to you soon