Mindset Daily

The Goal <--> Priority Mismatch

Brian Aganad

The Goal <--> Priority Mismatch | Mindset Daily Podcast

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So when someone has a hard time reaching a goal, they set out. One of the first things to look at, or one of the first things you'll see with them. Is that they don't realize, but there's a mismatch between what they want to achieve or their goal. And their priorities. So one of the things that I learned early on. Is that. There's two ways to show commitment to something. So there's only two ways to show commitment. And that's with time and finances. And if you aren't willing to commit both. To whatever is you're trying to do. You're not fully committed. And if you weren't fully committed to something. You aren't going to reach the goal. I hate to say it, but you aren't going to reach your goal. And so you have to look at things from a perspective. Of do I want to achieve something? Do I really want to achieve something? Is the question you have to ask yourself. And then whatever that thing is, it has to be very specific. It has to be a goal. And then you have to look, is it a priority? And. The one that people miss. His finances, they missed the finances and they missed the financial part of the commitment. And what I mean by that? Is it's very easy. If you flip this around the other way and say to yourself, okay, if you look at somebody, if you look at where somebody spends money, you can see where their priorities are. It's very simple. Like there, there are, we all know people where they'll spend. An exorbitant amount of money on. Netflix, Showtime. HBO every one of the streaming services, right? Google TV standard. Cable TV, everything right. We all have friends like that. They have every single one of the streaming services out there imaginable. They know every show. They know every movie, they know the release dates. They can recite the actors. They know that they basically know the shows by memory. We all know someone like that. And, they're willing to spend hundreds of dollars a month on these kinds of streaming services. But when it comes to. Nutrition, health, or exercise. They aren't willing to spend, a hundred something bucks a month on a gym membership or even less. So someone like that could say yes, my goal is to always be in shape. My goal is to be healthy, but then when you look at their lifestyle, And you look at where there. Committing their finances and their time for that matter, watching all their shows, but they're committing their finances. To streaming services, they have a problem paying the quote unquote high gym membership, but they don't have a hard time. Paying all of the little streaming services that add up to probably even more than the gym membership. All right. So does that make sense? There's an element of actually wanting to achieve a goal. Versus where your priorities lie. And so there's there, there's far more to this than simply just. Investing money, right? Cause sometimes people say, look. I want to do this, but I don't want to invest any money in it. I want to start a business, but I don't want to invest any money in it. I want to get in shape. I want to eat healthy, but I don't want to invest in a gym membership. I don't want to invest in. Healthy food, right? I'm not willing to pay. An extra 10 cents or 20 cents a pound for organic food. I'm not willing to pay a little bit extra for good healthy food. People will say that. But that's the mismatch. And it's, and it goes far greater. So psychologically, it goes far greater than simply investing the money. So when you invest money in something. It isn't just I invested money in it and everything's the same. Typically when you invest money into something, it also forces you to invest time. On some level. And so you tick both of the boxes of commitment. But the thing is there's a powerful side to us side to this. And I learned this firsthand through running my business and my program. Body breakthrough is that years ago. And when I first started my business online, I used to do a lot of. Lo I used to do a lot of really low price things. And I used to do a lot of recurring subscriptions of low price things. And. One of the things that I realized. Is that. It gives it there's leeway too, for people to just give up. They don't have to fully commit to something it's like I can do it for this month. And then I'll stop or I'll give it a try, or I'll buy this thing because it's cheap. And, we'll see what happens. But. The other side to money. Is that, and the financial commitment piece is that. If you don't commit enough. To get your attention. Get your own attention for it to mean something for the investment to mean something. Then you, weren't going to stick to it, and the power. And that's why now. And all my coaching programs, we charge only one. One upfront fee and that's it. Is because it forces people to make a commitment that's meaningful to them. And when you make a commitment or you make a financial commitment, that's meaningful to you, you stick with it. You stick with it. It's just if you go to college, oh, I'll use this example. When you go to college. You don't just take out a bunch of student loans when you go to college and then you get to your first. Calculus 1 0 1 class or whatever class, the first class, if your first semester in college that you just took out tens of thousands of dollars or hundreds of thousands of dollars on loans. And say this class is too hard, so I'm quitting, right? I'm dropping out of college. Normal people don't do that. Y because they made a financial commitment and that commitment solidifies that it is a priority to them. When you make the commitment of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. You're signaling to yourself that it's a priority for you. And that when it's a priority, that means that at the site of one hard thing or one obstacle, you don't just give up on it. So it has that. It has that element to it. And I'll go into even more detail about what that means in a second. But this is one of the things I've seen. A about coaching, right? And one of the reasons why I switched my whole model over to that specifically, Is because. And I'm not saying my program. Isn't great. I spent a lot of time developing all of my programs, but. One of the reasons why people get such great results is because making a financial commitment into the program ensures that I have their attention and ensures that it's a priority to them. And because it's a priority they're willing to go through. Everything that they need to do in order to get the results. And when things are hard and when things are challenging, they don't just give up. After, the first obstacle, they have some staying power. So what that does. Is that financial commitment? Is inadvertently, it gives you the power to overcome the obstacles because the financial commitment means something to you. And that's why when you look back and there's a quote, it. It's those like this. You need to pay attention. As they say, if you don't, if you don't pay, you're not going to pay attention. If something is free or you didn't spend very much money on it, it doesn't mean something to you. And think about anything. Think about anything that you have invested a lot of money in. The second, you invest a lot of money into something. It means something to you and it becomes a priority. And that is the important thing to understand. Is that. And then if you look at your life and the way you've aligned it. You're your biggest investments in life, your current biggest investments in life, it doesn't matter what the size is. Big investments for you. Those are subconsciously your priorities, right? They become your priorities. And so if you've invested in all of these streaming services in every single streaming service under the sun, You don't realize this, but you're going to tell yourself. In your own mind. That heck I need to watch at least one show or one movie on every single one of these streaming services that I subscribe to every month, because I want to make sure I'm getting my money's worth. So that guarantees that you're now spending, dozens and dozens of hours a month watching shows. Instead of the thing you actually want. So there's a lot of, there's a lot of people who say they want something. But their priority. Their priorities. Don't align with that. And so you can look at that and you can simply say, if you want to see where someone's priorities are, look at where they invest their money. And investing money to something else, which is, it does something else, which is really powerful. It has. There's something we have in. In our brain, it's called the reticular activating system. And the reticular activating system. It's like a signaling mechanism in our brain that lets us know when something is important. So maybe it's let me give you an example of this. So it's if you go and you buy a new car, All of a sudden. You notice let's say you go out and you buy. A, a dark blue BMW. You now notice. That same dark blue BMW. Everywhere. Or let me even split it up a little more grand, granular. You now notice that same BMW that you bought. Everywhere. You see it now everywhere. And that same color, the BMW that you bought. You not only notice when you see a BMW, that's that color. You notice any other car that is similar to that color, that dark blue. So that is what's called the reticular activating system. It's. It's like. When you invest money into something. And because investing money. Is it's a proven pathway to activate your reticular activating system and the reticular activating system. It's again, it's a signaling mechanism. To yourself that something is important. It tells your brain to say, Hey, notice this. Whenever notice this pay attention to it. Whenever it's around, it's a signal to pay attention. If you get a. If you get a golden retriever, right? For example, I have a golden retriever. The second you get a golden retriever, you notice golden retrievers everywhere. You notice them because it becomes a priority. So what's doubly fascinating about this is not just that when you invest a lot of money into something, it becomes a priority in your life. But when you invest money into something say for example, Starting a business. When you invest money into that business. Not only is investing money into that business. A financial commitment that signifies it's a priority in your life. But at the same time, What it's doing. It's also triggering the reticular activating system. Your own. To notify you whenever something related to business pops up. So all of a sudden now you're noticing. Books that are relevant to your business. You're noticing speakers that are relevant to your business. You're on websites that are relative to your business. You start to notice things everywhere. All of a sudden, a business group pops up in the city that you live in, which is, it's it's like a get together or it's a meetup of everyone starting the same kind of business you're starting. So investing the money, not only signals it's a priority, but it also activates your reticular activating system so that you, it's now a signal to your brain. That thing you're trying to do is a priority. So you notice it everywhere. So then you start to live it, breathe it and prioritize it.'cause you can't help, but notice it everywhere and you've made it a priority. By making an investment into something. And guess what, when you live it, breathe it and make an investment and something has your attention. Something has your attention a big set of college loans. You stick to it, you overcome the obstacles, you overcome the challenges you overcome. The difficulties along the way. You just don't give up. And that's that is a really powerful tool and it's a really powerful tool to understand. In your toolbox, which is. If you really want something and you really want to, or you really want to achieve something or you want to get something done. Make it a priority by making a commitment to it, make a commitment to it. And that's the thing if you struggle. If you struggle to lose weight. And that's something you want to do. And you've already tried every diet you've invested in all the books. You've tried these kinds of things. You've spent 20 bucks here, 20 bucks there, but you never stick to it. You don't lack or you feel like you lack the willpower and the discipline. It's I do it for a little bit. And then I do it for a little bit, and then I just stop because for whatever reason I give up. Guess what. It's not enough of a priority to you. But instead, if you go find a health coach or you go find, a fitness coach, And you go find one of these programs where you have to invest five grand or you have to invest 10 grand. All of a sudden that money. And again, if that's a lot of money for you, it may not be a lot of money for you, but if it is a lot of money for you, good. Because it's going to be that trigger. That makes you prioritize that thing you want. So if$20 diet books. I haven't worked for you. Try a five or$10,000. Fitness program. With the coach. And notice that if you need to lose a lot of weight, 30, 40, 50 pounds, notice how making that financial commitment. That big financial commitment. Now not only prioritizes your goal. But it makes it so that you overcome the obstacles and stick to it. And so I say this to a lot of people. I say this to my friends who have a hard time. Reaching goals and things they want, which is if you really want something, go find. Go find something to invest in around what you want, because if you invest a big chunk of capital into what you want, one thing that is pretty much guaranteed is you're going to get the outcome you want, because you've just elevated that thing. To be your priority, right? Same thing, even if you've, even if you've invested. In five or 10 different streaming services. Which was once your priority. And then instead you plopped down a big chunk of change. Doesn't even have to be. Instead in addition to you, plot down a big chunk of change, say for fitness or health coach, now that fitness or health coach. Has your attention and it is now your priority. And when your priority aligns with the goal, You're far more likely to reach your goal. So the thing that I always look at with someone. Is that if they have a goal or they have something specific they want to achieve. Is it really their priority, right? Because everybody says they want stuff. Everybody says they want something, but not everybody is willing to make it a priority. Not everybody is willing. To take the necessary steps. In order to make that happen. But one thing that I can say is that if you do make it a priority, And you do invest financially in it. That financial investment. Forces you to invest the time. And now you've got time. And finances, which are the only two ways that you can show commitment and you're now fully committed to something you're committed to something that's now your priority, your chances of reaching that goal go way up. And what I've seen across the board on anything. Is that the success rate for whatever you want for the fully committed as a hundred percent. But the challenge is believing in yourself. And stepping up to actually make that a priority, right? Something is a priority when you invest time and finances, it can't be one or the other. It has to be both. That's a signal to yourself that it is you're truly committed to what you want. Now you're committed to a goal, which is your number one priority. And that will ensure that you get what you want. So that's the show as always, if you're enjoying this I appreciate all of you listening and taking the time to share it and taking the time to leave review. That's that is the only way this show grows. It helps the algorithm. So again, if you're enjoying this. I'd appreciate it. If you could, number one, take some time to share it with someone who you think could benefit from it. And number two. Take some time to just leave a short review wherever you listen to podcasts, whether that's Spotify, iTunes or our apple, whatever they call it now, or Google, wherever you listen to podcasts. I would greatly appreciate that. All right. So let's, I've got for you on today's show, have a good rest of your day and I'll talk to you soon.