Mindset Daily

How to Monetize the Knowledge you Already Have

Brian Aganad

How to Monetize the Knowledge you Already Have | Mindset Daily Podcast

Mentioned in this show: The Business Growth Accelerator.

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So I have a business program called the business growth accelerator and what we do in it is we help our clients. Scale their online businesses or in some cases build them. If they have existing online businesses already, we can help them scale to 30 K 50 K or even, a hundred K a month or beyond that. And then in other cases, we have clients where we're actually just building things for them. We build their funnels together. We, we build all of their pages. We write their sequences, everything that they need basically to run a business online. And typically these are for. People who already. Have some kind of business in place that just want to grow it or scale it more effectively, or they have a business that's offline. So to speak and nowadays, almost all businesses are online, but they do. What I mean by that is they have a majority of their business, they do offline, but they have a skillset. And. We build them everything. They need to have it run online and generate revenue that way directly through the internet. Now, I think one of the things that's important for everybody. And maybe you listening, maybe you're around that level. Excellent. I'll put links in the show notes to the program so you can check it out if you want to see it. But there's also a lot of you listening to this show. I'm sure who also. Have thought about wanting to create a business online or. Have wanted to find another way to generate revenue for themselves or a site income. Maybe you've got a job or you've got something already. That. You do for now, but you've you. You want to. Generate some form like an alternative form of income. So this show specifically, what I want to talk about is how you can take some knowledge that you already have and start to monetize it. So this will just give you the first steps. This will give you. This will plant the seeds. So to speak, and. I think this goes hand in hand. With, leveraging your leveraging mindset. To help improve your life now. And I say this to. Pretty much anyone I've come across is that. Just improving your mindset alone. Is really hard to do, right? It's you can't just change your minds. You can't just set out a goal. To change your mindset. But instead you have to set a bigger goal and then. Apply. The apply the changes to your mindset or use mindset in order to achieve that goal. So that way you can actually see that your. The way you think. That your beliefs, your fears, et cetera, et cetera, they're all changing for the better to help you move towards a very specific. Outcome without a specific outcome. It's very hard to change your mindset and business is a really powerful tool. I think probably one of the most powerful tools. For personal development, you weren't a lot about the process. So what I want to do. Is just give you some things to think about. On today's show and give you some things. That help to simplify the process, at least. So you can distill it down and maybe just get your mind thinking about something new or, get you excited about having another form of. Income for yourself now. I think the world of online businesses is so complicated. And. Eh, there's so many things now out there it's like their social media. Right there. Here's all these different platforms you can use. There's blogs, there's podcasts. Like this there's. There's Amazon businesses, there's funnels, there's coaching programs, there's online courses there's and so many different types of technology that come with it. So it's very complicated. Now, what I want to talk to you about is, my specific area of expertise, which is coaching programs, online courses. Not only because there's something that requires very little overhead at least to get started. But most of you listening already have knowledge. In your head that you don't realize is there. But that knowledge, I think the difficulty for most people is taking the knowledge that they have in their head. And translating that into a product. And that's a skill. In and of itself, which is how do I take everything? All the thoughts, all my knowledge, all the expertise swirling around in my mind. And how do I convert that into a product? That people actually want to buy. So that's. That's where a lot of people just get overwhelmed. It's I have this skillset, this skill set and all of these other things that I could be doing. Or I could create and turn into a business, turn into a product and I could tell, but I have no idea how to. Take all of those pieces. And move them into one thing. And it's one of the things I will say to my clients. Is, you have to realize on the internet, there is something that you have your skill set specifically. That's very powerful. And that skillset and your, what makes you unique is your skillset combined with your experiences? There may be people who have a very similar skillset to you. But what's unique is your experiences. So when you combine those experiences with. Your unique skillset. You can start to. Really create something that's different and you can create something that's unique. And that's where a lot of people don't. It's the opportunity that they miss. Is that where your uniqueness comes into play is your specific experiences that you've gone through? It's like your skillset plus your experiences. And when you link those two things together, that's how you start to create a product. That's not just unique to you, but it's very authentic to you. That's something to think about like stage number one is, okay, you've got skills. If you write down your skills and you write down your unique experiences, that's what you got. That's how you become some, that's how you become someone that is completely unique. Now, let me give you an example, I'll give you that way. You can understand this, right? So let's say for example, you're like a nutrition coach. Or you're like a health coach. And you let's just use nutrition for simplicity and you are helping. And you've helped say clients or you've helped people or you've helped. Your friends lose weight. That's fine. That. On one level, that's totally fine. But there's a lot of nutrition coaches, right? There's a lot of people that believe they understand the right nutrition. There's a lot of people that can. Write up a plan for someone and get them to follow it and help them lose weight. But now let's add another layer to it. Let's say you were really overweight at one point, let's say you've lost over a hundred pounds. And part of your process. Now is, you're not just a nutrition coach, but you're someone who has. The actual experience of losing 100 pounds. So now when you. Our teaching somebody or when you are helping somebody. You now have. A unique angle, which is AI. I'm not just a nutrition coach, but I've also lost a hundred pounds myself. So now when you dial that down, Say into. How many people have that similar skillset? There's far less right. People who are nutrition, coaches and people that have lost a hundred pounds. There are far less than people who are just know how to teach nutrition. And you can keep layering on experiences. To help with those kinds of things, to help with your uniqueness. So one of the things that you can do, and this is the simple process. This is a this is a very simple blueprint. Four. How to create the early stages of your. Of an online business of an online coaching business. And that is. Just think about your skillsets, right? Think about some of the things that you have done in life. So in terms of monetizing, Knowledge. There's two ways that you can monetize knowledge, right? The knowledge that you have a, the first way is what most of us know. Which is, let me just. Let me just apply what I know for myself and make money. But the other side to it is being able to. Monetize your knowledge by teaching other people to do what you do. And that's the side. Where a lot of people miss out on it's like they can do things themselves, but they never go the other direction. Which is how can I teach other people to do what I do. I had a mentor who told me this years ago. And it changed my life. This was this was around like 2013. And he said to me specifically, Brian you can make money by with your skills, but you should also be. You should also have one eye on productizing your knowledge and turning what you know, in the systems that way you can help other people. Do what you do. That way you can help other people. Create the same type of lifestyle or create the same type of results that you can create. So that's always stuck with me is that whenever you acquire a skill of some sort, realize that. A, you can make money doing it yourself, but you can also make money teaching other people to acquire that skill. And we tend to. Underestimate. The knowledge that we have, we tend to dismiss it as common knowledge. I think that's the other mistake that, that. We make, when the more time we spend on something, the more we ourselves, except it as common knowledge. And the less valuable we think it is. But it's exactly the opposite. And you can have all sorts of different. There can be all sorts of different skillset, right? You, it could be, you could have skills like in the health niche, and by the way, you don't have to. You don't actually have to be a coach already. You just have to have the skill. And if you think about it, you may actually have skills. From your current job that can be turned into monetizing. Skills. There's so many different things where when you become creative, You can start to. Put those pieces together and also realize at the same time, That. If there's a skill that you've learned on some level, there's billions of people on the planet who can benefit. From that, right? So you can be weather like. Like I was a. Yoga teacher. So I acquired a lot of skills through doing that and far more than just teaching yoga. You can go a lot deeper than that, but maybe you are an accountant. Maybe you work in real estate. Maybe you. Maybe you work. Maybe you work in the Silicon valley and you've got a tech job. There are some skills that you've read that you have acquired. In your line of work. That can become. Some type of outcome that someone else can benefit from. And there's all sorts of things and it's sometimes you might think my skillset is really not that valuable. I've seen some pretty crazy things. On the internet, for example. I've seen. The one that always sticks out to me is a Questran Tai-Chi, which is doing Tai-Chi on a horse. And it has rave like a set of raving followers and fans. That go about that, that follow them and want to do it. And the more and more that you go down this path, the more and more that you can see, there's so many different, there's so many different skill sets out there. That other people truly. Want to learn from, right? Like maybe you are. Maybe you are. Maybe you've helped people with relationships. Maybe you help people with dating marriages, right? That's another example of. An itch. There's so many things out there, but the first thing that you can do, and this is how you have to go about it. Is if you're like a brand new. To wanting to start a business online is you have to write down your skillsets. What are all the skillsets that you have? And this is the key. Which is take the skillsets that you have specifically. And then. With those specific skillsets. Write down beat outcomes that can happen as a result of. Those skillsets that you have, right. This is how you qualify and you disqualify the skills that you have is you have to ask yourself the question. Can these skills. Be transformed into one singular outcome. Because when people are buying things, Online when people are buying programs online. They are buying outcomes. They want to buy something that will help them achieve some specific results. And this is why having. Knowledge. And having a skillset in and of itself is not good enough anymore. You actually have to come up with a way that could be transformed into, an outcome driven program. Meaning there must be an outcome. And that's the difference between the internet today and say, in the early two thousands, when the internet came out, Which is 20 years ago. The, there was genuinely a lack of knowledge, right? Knowledge was the issue. Meaning. People were held back by, by. Bye. Not being able to do something simply because they didn't have the knowledge. So knowledge was very valuable. As the internet grew and the internet got bigger. Now we have the exact opposite problem today, which is there is an abundance of information. There's too much information, right? It's everywhere. YouTube is filled with videos. Google is filled with search results. There's too much. So now people can't accomplish things they want to accomplish because. They lack the knowledge it's because they don't know. What path they should follow. And so that's why when you take your skillset and you say to yourself, okay, this skill set leads to this specific outcome. That specific outcome. Is how. You start to build. A, like a step by step, like an outcome driven program. And so the goal is to take the knowledge that you have build an outcome based on it. And then have an actionable process, not necessarily more knowledge. And that's where lot that's where lots of people go wrong. That's where lots of people really go wrong in this process is they say I have knowledge about this. So I'm going to, I'm going to create a program. That teaches people about gardening. Right that educates them more about gardening, or maybe I'm going to, I'm going to create a program that teaches people that educates people on different kinds of plants and whatnot. But the problem with that is that there's no outcome. It's just teaching. And that stuff that people can find for free on YouTube, where they can find for free. Somewhere else. So instead, what you have to do is you have to say yourself, my goal is not to just dump my knowledge onto the internet. It's to. Formulate my knowledge into an outcome. And then write down step-by-step of what you would do. So that's an outcome. Driven program, if you are say. Let's say you're a follower of the keto diet, and let's say you've got results, following the keto diet for yourself. You wouldn't want to create a program, educating people on the keto diet per se. There's tons of information out there. You just want to create a program and how people can implement it. What are the step-by-step process that they need to do to implement this? You don't have to educate them. On the keto diet, they already know. And that's the advantage of knowledge on. Having all of the information on the internet. There are people who already believe. And again, I'm not endorsing any diet or I'm not saying. I'm not saying I follow the keto diet. I'm just using it as an example. You can pick whatever it is you want to pick. This isn't a topic. This isn't a show about what diet and what nutrition is. Correct. I'm just using it as an example, but there are people who already believe that the keto diet is right for them. They just want help implementing it. So providing them more information in the form of a course is not beneficial. But providing them a step-by-step plan of what they need to follow, to lose, say a hundred pounds that is very beneficial. Once you, that's the first thing you have to really wrap your head around. Which is how do I. How do I create. Out of the knowledge and the skill sets that I have an outcome, some specific kind of outcome. So this is the most difficult part, which is, I need to write down my skills and what kind of outcome. Could that translate into. That would get people interested. Then once I have that, Now I have to go back and write down. All of the steps that I need to get to that outcome. So that's what you have to do. That's like that's phase one, which is, let me list my skills. Let me list the outcomes that my skills can lead to. And then. You have to go back and then say, let me write down all of the steps. Let me do a brain dump. Let me write down all of the steps that it takes. In order to. Create that outcome. So this is where you just write everything down. And you're going to look at it and you're going to say, okay, This may take. This may be, there may be like 25 30 steps in this whole process. Like literally write down everything, write down all the steps. Literally write down all the steps and what this does is it starts to give you an idea of what's actually required. To get that outcome. Here's the steps. And then you can break apart those steps into different chunks. So maybe it's five steps here. Five steps there, five steps here. And you can do that. Maybe say like week by week. So once you've got that. Then what you want to do. Is you want to start, especially because you're new. You want to go find people? That are, you want to find people? That kind of like our, your target audience. If you want to help someone lose a hundred pounds. Using the keto diet, maybe you have a friends or maybe you have like family or someone in your life where you can go through and implement those steps and document the journey. Or you go on social media, you've got your social media profiles. Of some sort and you just ask you, put it out there and you say, look. I'm looking to create a new program on how to help people lose a hundred pounds using the keto diet. I'm looking for, one person or two people. That I can help, for free. I just want to help you go through my process. And help you get results. And the catch is what you tell them is you're doing it for free in exchange for. Being able to document the process with them. And a testimonial at the end, after they help you get results. And that's what you want to do is you want to make sure. And this is why sometimes you don't really want to get like family members ideally, or you don't want to get people too close to you that are not going to take it seriously. But you want people who are actually going to take the process. Seriously. So that a, they can get really good results and you've got things to document. And you get a really good testimonial at the end. Because that also helps you to refine your process and you'll learn from like working with them directly. And guiding them through the process okay, what are things you feel are missing in this that you need? And when you're working with them directly, you're going to learn in the process. Oh, so this was my brain dump of steps that I had written down. But. Now I realize, and actually working with this person I need to add this and this and this and this. So what you're doing is you're making your process better. And then you are at the same time, actually helping people. Like all you need to do is 1, 2, 3 people, max. And gathered those testimonials. And then when you gather those now you've refined your process a little bit. That's when now you've got everything you need. Too. That's now you've got everything that you need. To start online, right? Like you. Can create now, this is where now it's worth it to go and build a funnel. Build the pages, and create the program. And now you can sell the program. Now you've got to sell the program. And when you're starting, you can create, this is your, this is your coaching program and you've got this process. You can you've got it documented and whatnot. You can. You can now start to actually charge, and. You should not charge if you're working with somebody. If you're working with somebody like one-on-one, I wouldn't charge anything less than$2,000. So you've just taken something and some coaching programs, they go anywhere from 2000, all the way up to a hundred thousand dollars, right? The programs like, depending on your experience and the outcome and the value. That you provide like that your price only goes up over time, right? Working with you. One-on-one. Should never be cheap. But that's why it's better to just do it for free for the first couple of times, gather testimonials that way you got. Everything you need. You've got the results to prove it. And then you can refine your process. And the more and more. That you start to work with people. The. The higher, The better, your course is going to get. And the more confident you'll get in charging more for your program to work with you. So that's a really good starting point. That's a process that you can go through and then, as you're going, as you're working with your first couple of. As you're working with, like your first couple of clients, the ones you do for free. You can document that process and I'm not going to go into all the technology. That you can use on this show. This will just take, this will take forever. But what is useful is all of where you can document. That process let's say you've got. Let's say you've got like meal plans. You've got like action videos, different things. Like I use a. I use a program called Kajabi to build my courses. I it's not. I'm not an affiliate of theirs or associated with them at all. Just the one that I use. There's Thinkific. There's a lot of other things, if you just type in. Course building software online. There's a whole, all sorts of options that you can go through and you can look at, but that's like the, that's like the general strategy. That's like the general strategy of how to get started. And then once you've got that, Only then once you've you've formulated your idea and your outcome, you've mapped out the steps and you've taken a couple people and gone through the process for free and got some testimonials. That's when that's, when you can learn, that's when you know, building out your business online becomes relevant. But I think most people get too caught up. With the first part, which is our, the last part, which is, what about the technology? What about this? What about this? What about all these different things I can use? None of that matters at the start. What matters first is taking the time to formulate your idea on your outcome and mapping out the steps and then applying those steps to having a couple people go through those steps. So that, that way you can formulate your program. That way you can you can start to formulate what it is you're actually going to sell. So now you're creating a sellable product. They'll help you make it better. And that's how you'll get that initial experience. And then at that point, You're ready to put something out online. You're ready to then, build the funnel and go through the technology. But not only until you do that first part, right? That's. That's the thing that's most important as you do it, first part and you'll realize it's oh, cool. Working with one or two people answers. A majority of the questions. That you'll have for yourself, which is we'll just find out how long does it take someone to go through those steps? Maybe it takes six weeks. Maybe it takes eight weeks. Maybe it takes 14 weeks. Whatever that is. Now, okay. My program is eight weeks long. It's six weeks long, 14 weeks long. I can break apart the action steps that they're doing. In every week, right? Maybe week one. Is. Action steps, like one through six week, two, a six through 12, right. Week three is 12 through 18 week four is, 18 through 21. Whatever that is, but you map it out. So they're just going through that whole process. And now, how long your program needs to be. And how long. That. Your course has to look like, and you understand what goes in there. So that's a far better way of putting a program together. Like an online course together. From scratch. Versus just trying to randomly build something. So the mistake that a lot of people do is they just start putting together, like the knowledge based courses. Let me just. Let me put all the information that I've learned over the years in your course. That's not what people want. And then the course isn't very good, nor is it very valuable? People don't really need all the information. They just want the action steps. So by choosing. By combing through your knowledge, you may have multiple skillsets, which is a lot of people do. Taking the skillsets and turning that into an outcome. And then taking that outcome and then reverse engineering. It. And writing down all of the steps necessary, what you're doing. Is by default, you're building an action based. Program. You're building an action-based program that people can actually follow and get results. So then as you go and you build out that program, you can make little videos for every one of the steps is your, the better and better you get at this, the more content your course has, right? Your course is evolving. Over time, the more people you work with, the more things you realize you need to add in there. And then the process gets faster and more streamlined because now you're not having to create things from scratch. You already have it all created. Plus you bought the expertise from other clients. I just looked at. I just looked at the time. On this, I didn't want this. I didn't want the show to go super long. It's already over 30 minutes, but that's what I want you to initiate to initially think about. And it's we all have knowledge, right? We all have knowledge. You should learn. It's a great, it's. One of the best things you can do to protect yourself is to monetize that knowledge, turn it into a coaching program, turn it into a course. And even solid, even if you're happy with your job or you're happy with what you're doing. You should always have a course. Have you should always have a course or coaching program. That you can sell, even for, as a side hustle. So that you've got another way to make money. It's something that everyone can do and it's well worth it to learn the skill set and. That way you can protect yourself. But what does it come down to? Again? It's like mindset. It's these are all the things where yeah. You got to believe in yourself. You have two. Carrie, you have to speak to yourself in a way that allows you to do it, which is once I map out that process for people like that simple process, anyone can do it. But people will be naturally, like some of you are going to be like, oh my God, I can't do that. I'm afraid. Because, wow. I've never done that before. Yeah. Stepping outside of your comfort zone, right? That's the point? Like in order to achieve anything in life, you have to step outside your comfort zone and you have to be able to. Move past those fears and those roadblocks, but on the other side of that is a reward fee. And that's like what I was saying at the beginning of the show. Is that. The best way to improve your mindset is to set a goal for yourself that you want to achieve and use your mind, use your improved mindset and the work you do on yourself to help achieve the goal. Because. If you change your mindset. You by default can change your outcome. And this is one way of doing that. All right. So I'm going to leave it off there. If you have any more. Questions or anything. Feel free to reach out on Instagram. You can tag me also in a story. If you want and let me know what you've learned, or if this motivated you or how you're going to apply it. My social media is all in the show notes below. I'll also put a link to the business growth accelerator. So if you guys want to check that out, you can also. I check it out. You can. I believe what I'll do is I'll put a link. I have a whole video. It's a long one on. The ins and the outs of building courses and structuring programs, et cetera, et cetera, and all of that. So if you're interested in that, I haven't even, I have a roll-on video on how to do that. Pretty much everything. Step-by-step you can check out and then. As always, if you are benefiting from the show, there's two things that I would appreciate. Number one, if you could share it with someone else who you think could benefit from this show and number two. Also take some time to leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts. I would also greatly appreciate that as well. All right. So let's, I've got for you on today's show. Hope this was helpful. Have a good rest of your day and I'll talk to you soon.