Mindset Daily

How to Control your Thoughts & Recreate your Belief System to get what you want Out of Life

Brian Aganad

How to Control your Thoughts & Recreate your Belief System to get what you want Out of Life | Mindset Daily Podcast

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So I want you to think back to a time when. You set out to accomplish a goal. You set out to make a change or you set out to. Do something that was far outside of your comfort zone. But then didn't follow through on it. And I want you to think back to that time. Not because I want you to recall what it was your actually doing. But I want you to think about underneath, underneath the surface, what were your beliefs about what you were doing? And the important question to ask yourself is where my beliefs. Aligned with what I wanted to accomplish, where my beliefs aligned. With what it is I wanted to do, or the change that I wanted to make. And the most. The most difficult part for people is not the physical action or the physical change or. That goal that they want to accomplish the most difficult part. Is. Galvanizing their beliefs so that the beliefs they have fit the action that they're trying to partake in. Or the goal they're trying to reach. So when you lack beliefs, You're going to completely lack the necessary conviction that you need to follow through with your goals to follow through with the changes that you want to make in life. Or anything that you want to accomplish, but. Lots of people skip over. This part, they skip over the most important part of aligning their belief system to. What it is they actually want to accomplish. And this is the secret to a lot of high performers. You look at. Any kind of professional athletes, all sorts. You look at high performing CEOs, you will get successful business owners. The one thing that they spend an abundance of time doing is theirs is working on their psychology behind the scenes, developing their belief system. And if you go and you talk to anybody who is successful in any area of life or they've achieved something. That is, that could be considered extra ordinary by. Regular people standards, so to speak. The one thing that you'll find real quickly from talking to them. Is that. They believed in themselves. They have believed in themselves the entire time. And so they had a whole series or a whole set of supporting beliefs behind the scenes, that fueled them to their goal. And a lot of a really good way to think of it. So this is the way I was always taught. And I like this analogy a lot because it helps to really conceptualize what beliefs are doing for you. Is you have a house, right? Now let's say you're going to build a house. The house is the goal you want to accomplish. The thing you want to achieve, the change you want to make. The foundation. On which you build that house. Or the beliefs. So ask yourself the question. If you are setting out to build a house, Will you have the most success building that house? On dirt. On concrete on sand. On water. On grass. On rocks, all sorts of different surfaces, right? And all of those different foundations with which you could build your house, represent beliefs, they represent the beliefs, right? So if you say you know what, I'm going to try and build my house on sand. You're probably not going to get very far or I'm going to try and build my house on water. Impossible. It's not going to work. And that's what beliefs do. That's fundamentally. What beliefs allow us to achieve or not achieve? They hold us back. They're like, it's like, they're either like invisible anchors or they're a set of wings that carry us to where we want to go, but we have to do the work in order to ensure that those beliefs are actually helping us. So the question is. How do you beliefs work? How do beliefs actually. Hijack. Our ability to accomplish things. What do they do to sabotage us? Okay. One of the things you first have to realize is statistically speaking. Our thoughts are 80% negative, right? The average person. And listen to this statistic carefully, the average person. Thinks. Thoughts every day, 80% of those thoughts are negative, right? That means we are bombarding ourselves with negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement, which is simply, we're not good enough. We're not worthy. We don't have the skill set. We aren't smart enough. We're inferior all of these things, right? They're inferior types of beliefs, thoughts that when we think thoughts on a daily basis, the thoughts become beliefs, right? Beliefs when we have these beliefs, what they do fundamentally is they change our behavior, right? We, our beliefs determine our behavior every day. And I know I've used this analogy on the show before the airplane analogy, which is fundamentally, we know. And knowledge is different from beliefs to very different things. And I'll highlight that here in a second knowledge means that we know airplanes go from a to B. But if we have a belief. That the airplane that we're about to get on is going to crash and not make it to the destination. It doesn't matter how much we know. Airplanes go from a to B. We don't get on that plane. That's a belief, right? That belief is what creates our behavior. Now. The more and more, you start to understand that the more you realize, and if you dig deep and look at this, you'll say that your behavior. Every single day is determined. By the underlying beliefs. So if you're having a hard time with the actual, with your actual actions in life, your behaviors in life, the things you're physically doing at the execution level, which is I am physically having a hard time getting my body, my skeleton to do the things I want to do, even though. Even though I know I really want to do them. That's called resistance. You know why humans resist the things we want the most, because what we want and what we believe are in conflict, that's resistance. That's the definition of resistance is that when we want something. And we know we want it, but our belief system doesn't support what we want. We don't act. That's physically resistance, right? Fundamentally resistance. That's why people will say. I I really want to do this, but for some reason I'm experiencing so much resistance around this. I can't do it. That's what it is when, what we want and what we believe aren't in alignment. So we have to then cultivate that cultivate. That realm so that those two can become aligned. And you can even simplify. The definition of success down to simple fact, down to the simple definition. Of when. My actions and my beliefs are aligned. If what I want and what I believe are aligned, I'm going to get there. The beliefs always propel us to get there. So the thoughts become beliefs. The beliefs become behaviors. The behaviors become outcomes in life, right? Our actions, our behaviors determines what happens in our life. When we change, what happens in our life? What is that by definition? That's a changed life, right? If our beliefs change and our, as a result of our beliefs, changing our actions change well, then what happens in our reality changes as a result of our actions changing. So that whole chain starts. With what we believe. And you can say that our behaviors are built on the foundation of beliefs and beliefs are built on the foundation of thoughts. The more that we. Build and cultivate. The proper thoughts the proper beliefs, those lead to the proper actions and those changes are reality. So we have to be fully aware of this and as crazy as it sounds, someone put it to me one time. Which was Brian, do you ever think about how you think? And it was a great question because I said you know what, sometimes you just think, we just said, we think so many thoughts per day. That. We naturally tend to just pass them off. But the thing is when we don't do that, we let our guard down. And those thoughts. Those thoughts that we don't think about. So to speak, they pass through the castle walls or they pass through. The gates, so to speak, they pass through they get by the guards, the metal detectors, whatever that is, and they become. Beliefs. And if we have a lot of negative thoughts that are better constantly penetrating the defenses in our mind. They become beliefs. Which then over time changed the way we act, which affects our reality directly. So we have to be really aware. We have to think about how we think, sometimes think about thoughts and here's the crazy thing, right? Like the average human being thinks. 80% of negative thoughts per day, 80%. And the difference between a highly successful person and an average person. Is if they can just drop the amount of negative thoughts they think by 7%. So a highly successful person. Thanks. Only 73, 70 3% negative thoughts, versus the average person that thinks 80%. So think about it. It's not very much. And it doesn't. And the thing is the difference between a successful person and a person who doesn't act is. 7% is a difference of 7% in negative thoughts, but here's the bigger thing. This is the bigger picture here to understand. Is that it's not just the percentage. Of negative thoughts that we think that cultivate beliefs. The question is how true. Now I can't find anything on this. I dug around and looked at it, which it, I dug around and looked for statistics, but how. How do they perceive those negative thoughts to be true? Because. You can either focus on all of those negative thoughts and they can become truths. And those truths over time will become beliefs, which will guide you. Which your life is just a reflection of your thoughts. And beliefs, but. How true do we perceive all of those thoughts, those negative thoughts, and the thing, the role, one of the real like aha moments I had in my own development. Was that just because we think something doesn't mean it's true. It doesn't necessarily, it doesn't mean it's true, but. For some reason, the second a thought pops into our head. We immediately tend to believe that it's true. And we. We cultivate those quote unquote untruths. To become beliefs. And we could think something and it could be totally untrue. It could be a complete lie, but if we choose to believe the lie. The lie becomes a real belief and that real belief guides our action. So then our actions are now based off of a leaf that was created off something. We thought that wasn't true. That's where you really have to be careful. That's where you really have to choose and cultivate. These thoughts because. Our actions. W th the second we act, it becomes real, the second we act, it's our reality, right? And you can't dispute reality once it's happened. But if our actions were guided by a belief that was cultivated by a thought that wasn't true. We're now acting in a way we're acting in truth off of something that wasn't even the truth to begin with. We were, are our true reality is based off of fraudulent thoughts. So we have to be really aware of that. And you have to realize that everything you think. Isn't true. It is not true. And you have to be really steadfast in that and the responsibility of how do you change your belief systems? You become more aware of your thoughts? You become more aware of what you're thinking. And you have to be the guard keeper or the gatekeeper. Of your thoughts and you have to decide for yourself. Which one of those thoughts am I going to choose to accept as truth? And which ones am I going to pass off as a lie and get rid of. Because like anything else? We can't we can't control the weather. We can't control our thoughts. There's a lot of things in life we can't control, but what we can control is our reaction to things we can control our reaction to whatever comes up, but. We have to control the reaction to our thoughts. So you have to get really good at whenever you think of something negative or something, you feel isn't going to serve you, or you have a thought that has even a tinge of toxicity to yourself or. It's one of those, like self-sabotaging thoughts that starts to pop into your mind to stop you from doing something. You have to immediately, you can't just let it go. You can't just let it pass and sit there and let it penetrate your belief system. And Morphett, you have to sit and address it at that level and you have to really go through it and say, is it true or not? Yes or no. And the question is. If it isn't true, I need to get rid of it immediately. And I need to constantly, I need to cultivate some new thoughts, some positive thoughts that. That are true, that are going to formulate my belief system in a positive way. That allows me to act in a way which creates the life that I want. Takes lots of work. It takes lots of work to do this. And there's something in psychology it's called the negativity bias. And the negativity bias is really strong. And the negativity bias is something where we, and this is the way it works here is that you could hear. You could hear a hundred. Positive things about yourself, you could get a hundred compliments. You could get a hundred. People can say a hundred good things about you. But then all it takes is one person to criticize you, one person to say something negative one person to. Say something bad about you or something that isn't true. And you only believe the negative. That one thing. Is what drives your belief system and your thoughts and your actions? That one thing, that one. Negative piece of criticism or. Critical words amongst a hundred compliments, you pay attention to that one. And then they say it takes a hundred. It takes a hundred compliments to then reverse that one negative thing. That's the negativity bias where naturally we're naturally hardwired to. Believe that things that are negative and. Sometimes aren't true, we highlight the negative. If our thoughts are 80% or 70% negative, that means. That one out of every four or almost one out of every five are negative, right. Are positive, but we have to fixate not on those three or four negative thoughts that come into our mind. We have to fixate on that one positive. And we need to grip onto it. In a way. Which. Allows it to become a belief, a positive belief, a supporting belief that drives us to action in our life. Physical action in our life. That creates the reality that we want. And that's why having the ability to. Cultivate those thoughts and beliefs. Is the most important part to success, to change, to creating the life we want to be successful in any endeavor that we want to accomplish, whether that's fitness related business related health related. Relationship related anything related we have to. Be very aware of those thoughts and those beliefs on that level, because if you don't. Ben, you're now accepting thoughts into your mind that are. Not serving you, they could be total lies. And those total lies just again, just because we think them, the takeaway from the show is that just because we think something doesn't necessarily mean it's true. It doesn't. And. If we accept everything we think is true. We're going to formulate real beliefs. That create real action, that driver behavior in real life and become real based off of thoughts that were not even true to begin with. So we have to be aware. Think about your thoughts. The takeaway message of this entire show is to think about your thoughts. Think about. Things that pop into your mind. Don't just let your thoughts go and checked. Think about them and ask yourself. Is it really true? Is it really true and if it's not dismiss it and don't let it seep into. Your head. Don't let it seep into your mind. Don't let it become something. That it isn't, don't let a negative thoughts, something you think that isn't true. Become. Something that formulates your belief system that is not going to serve you in life. It's not, it's going to create behaviors and actions that don't align with what you really want. So that's the takeaway. All right. So this was beneficial from you. Take some time to Tag me on Instagram and share it in a story. Let me know what you've learned, how you're going to apply it. I would love to know what you took away from the show and. And how you are going to benefit from it. And as always, if you're enjoying the show, you can support it two ways. Number one, take some time to share it with someone who you think could benefit from it and take some time to leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts. All right. So that's all I've got for you on today's show. Have a good rest of your day, and I will talk to you soon.